First Time Readers
If this is your first time to visit the site you might be wondering where do I start.
Lets start with Jacobs stories. There are actually five of them listed in the right side column here:—>
Jacob Finding His Way, Regrets and Heartaches, Beneath the Mask, Rebirth and Shadow of My Father.
You would be able to read any one of his stories alone and get a good story but all of his stories follow the same time line and use the same characters and the same plots. I will suggest here what order to read them in since all four were started at different times.
Read Jacob Finding His Way Ch. 1-25. After 25 Start Beneath the Mask. So read Ch. 25 of Jacob, then Ch. 1 of Beneath, then Ch. 26 of Jacob and so on. Read the two stories together till you get to Jacob Finding His Way Ch. 40. At that time add in Regrets and Heartaches. Just read them all 3 together at this point. Don’t get two chapters ahead in one story. Read Jacob, Alex and Joey It will make a lot more sense to you. The last story is Shadow of My Father and you should wait till you are caught up with the other three stories. It is basically its own story but the further you go it combines some with the other stories sharing some characters and plots. When you are all caught up then just read them in the order we publish them and you will stay in order.
Example: There is a school election far down in the story. It is at the school of course. The characters in all four stories eventually all go to the same school and all are involved in the election. You will read about the election from the main characters view of each story but we try not to overlap or repeat too much story between the different stories either.
You will see another story in Jacobs list of stories. That is Rebirth. After reading chapter 76 of Jacob Finding His Way go read the twelve chapters of Rebirth. It is quite intense so be prepared for a little shock. After the twelve chapters we end the writing but the characters in the story are moved into the four other stories. One character goes to one story, another goes to another story. You will see.
I might add that you should take a look at the look-a-like pictures and bios of each character in the story as you are reading. It will make it much more interesting to put a face with the person you are reading about. There are also pictures of the places the story is taking place at. I might add that the beginning of the story is mostly true and what you read did happen. As it goes along more and more fiction is added.
Write me if I can explain any more of this to you.
When you want a break in Jacobs stories he does host several other authors that he has choose to have their stories on his site. Go read those stories too. They are different than Jacobs and you just might like them. They are all excellent.
Editor Ed
sorry to trouble you but i cannot log to your site i have tried several time and it has rejected me hope you can help love your stories about jacob.
thank you
The site is running just fine. Perhaps there is something wrong with your ISP and it is not making it through today. Try again tomorrow. I presume you are talking about a computer and not your phone.
Hello, I started reading your story over on Gay Authors and then wandered this way. Jacob and Joey are adorable and I have enjoyed their story so far. I am glad you put the guide to tell how to follow the story properly. Smart idea! Well off to read more of the story. Thank you! :o)
Thank you for stopping by. I see you found the “first time readers” tab. That explains pretty good (since I wrote it) 🙂 where we are on the stories. As you can see Jacob has four stories going, so you have a lot of catch up to go now. If you read them in order as I put on the tab you will enjoy the story a little better. If I can answer any questions please write me. I am Jacobs administrator and continuity editor. Ed
I, just today, discovered your stories. It seems I have started them out of order, but that is ok, I am hooked, so I
will definitely read the others and will try to get in proper order. I am reading the one about Davey and his hero,
Carlos. It’s a wonderful story and I most likely will be staying up late to finish it. I clicked on the link within the story which said there were photos or images of the characters, but I have not found them yet. I also must tell you that I cried most all the way through your beautiful tribute to your mother. You apparently loved her very much and miss her greatly. Yes, she was a lovely lady, she reminds me a lot of my dear mother who passed
away quite a few years ago and I still miss her. Your mother was a lucky lady to have such a loving son.
Jake….Savannah, GA.
Don’t mean to be a drag, but since you are the editor, I noticed a grammatical error, and I have found many in the stories. The text I am referring to is this. – When you want a break in Jacobs stories he does host several other authors that he has choose to have their stories on his site. Go read those stories too. They are different than Jacobs and you just might like them. They are all excellent.-
I believe the text cited should read: When you want a break in Jacob’s stories, he does host several other authors that he has chosen to have their stories at his site. Go ahead and read those stories too. They are all excellent.
Jacob’s should have an apostraphy and since stories finishes the clause with out a conjunction there should be some sort of a pause, so I placed the comma. Finally, it should be “he has chosen” rather than rather than ” he has chose.” I know that you want to do what is best. How can I secretly submit the beginning of my story to you guys? I want to do it in a private way and I definitely want your feedback.
Thank you: Paul Delgadillo
Sorry, I didn’t really check over my own spelling. On the second reading of my text I misspelled apostraphy. This proves that I am not perfect, just perfectly human as well as you guys.
It’s all right others being critical in a constructive way – we all need the occasional reminder to pay more attention – but when someone tries to be superior over such a trivial error, and then cannot even spell apostrophe correctly!
Some seem to make a lifetime job of picking up others on trivia, but I and thousands of others enjoy all the stories, with or without the occasional typo/grammar error. Best wishes, Les.
I am an avide reader of many subject matter . I am gay and have rarely been as satisfied with a gay author as in 15 to life. I could’nt stop reading until the end thank you for entertaining me
Well, thanks Hairyda! The tale is almost complete, don’t forget to check back for the finale!
Is this site dead or what?
* Spoiler
It’s been instructed to start “Beneath The Mask” after reading chapter 25 of “Jacob Finding His Way'”. But in “Jacob Finding His Way'” Alejandro’s lawyer contacted him at chapter 29 (i am currently at this chapter now.) and Jacob has not make the decision yet to agree with Alejandro’s lawyer.
So exactly from where i mean after which chapter of “Jacob Finding His Way'” should I start “Beneath The Mask” ?
By the way even though i am in rage for life being so unfair to Jacob Enjoying the story to the fullest 😀
Are you finished with these stories yet not to be a pain but I haven’t read anything from you in several years. Would like to know how things turn out