{Jacob Finding His Way is based on mostly true events in his life. To keep the story interesting for the readers, some events now in the story are fictionalized. As I am writing this story, I am above the age of 21. If you want a story with lots of sex, look elsewhere. This is a love story.
Any similarity to any other events, names, or life events is purely accidental. If you are underage, (according to your state laws as a minor), if this literature is offensive to you or to anyone around your viewing area, or it is illegal for you to view such content where you are reading it, stop reading the story. This story can’t be distributed in any way, shape or form without the author’s expressed, written consent.}
Written by J.P.G.
As we approached Christmas, the apartment was completed. It was ready for me and Joey to move in. It took several more days because we suddenly noticed there wasn’t a bathroom.
So, we all pitched in, including David, and laid the foundation. We ran the water pipes and the electrical wires. Then we put up the walls and roof. When it came time to get up on the roof, I was afraid of heights. I did what I could, and it surprised me the amount of work I was able to do from the ground level. Then came the time to put in the insulation I didn’t know how itchy that job could be until we were done. The rest was pretty easy and went up fast. We had the bathroom knocked out in two days. We even remembered to include a separate high capacity water heater for those “long showers” that were always a welcomed luxury of life.
I knew as the day of Christmas approached, I needed to go down and spend time with my family. So I decided that Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning I will spend with my family and then return back to Joey’s in the evening.
When I got to my mom’s apartment, she was waiting for me. When I walked in, my sister and brother greeted me with hugs, as well my mom. We sat down and talked about everything under the sky except why I left.
As it got late, we headed off for bed. I went into my old room, and nothing on my side was changed. My brother Andy came in soon after.
“So Jacob, really, how are you doing living away from home with another family?”
“I am doing alright for now. I have some weight issues I need to overcome, but other than that I am doing fine.”
“How about the money, have you spent any of it yet? I figure Joey and his family have you spending like crazy. I heard they added to their home recently.”
“Yeah they have added to the home, but not recently. Recently they finished the job where I had a place to sleep. As far as spending any of the money, I haven’t touched a dime. Even if I were to offer to give some money to Joey’s uncle and aunt, they won’t accept a dime of it. In fact they made me promise that I wouldn’t spend any of it until I was off to college or on my own.”
“Oh man sorry for doubting them. They sound like good people over there. I am just trying to look out for you bro, that’s all.”
“That’s ok Andy; you are my big brother, after all.”
We both laughed and kicked off our shoes. I noticed my clothes were not in the same spot as they were when I left. I couldn’t find any of the running pants I had. So I decided to sleep in the Levis I came in.
I woke up to the wonderful aroma of bacon and eggs being cooked. I looked over and Andy was still asleep in his bed. I got up and put on my shoes, took my morning medication and headed over to the kitchen. My mom was already up and cooking breakfast.
“Jacob, I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
“No mom you didn’t, I just smelled the food being cooked,”
“Come here and talk with me, please.”
I headed over to the kitchen table and sat down. I noticed the orange juice was out, so I poured myself a glass.
“Jacob, you know that I love you very much? I never meant to hurt you in any way. I should have listened to you, and I won’t make any excuses for myself and why I didn’t.”
“I know mom, and I love you very much. As far as that day, it is in the past. There isn’t a thing we can do about it now by looking back on it. I have never held bad will toward you or my family.”
“Then why did you stay away for so long and do you still want to stay away?”
“The reason I stayed away was I didn’t want to testify. I knew that doing so would put my life in great risk. I figured if they couldn’t find me, they can’t make me testify. For wanting to stay away now, I don’t. At first I wasn’t ready to come home. I was more afraid than anything else. Now I just want to see if I can do it on my own. I will always need you, mom, and if things fall apart, I hope could come home.”
“This is always your home, Jacob. Always. You are my son, and I will always love you. You out of you three, I believe we do great things out there in the world. Don’t get me wrong; Andy and Marie will as well, but you have the brains. Please Jacob, promise me that you will go back to school and graduate from high school.”
“I will mom, I promise. I won’t stay a stranger of course. I would like to come over more often than I have already.”
“I would love that Jacob. I will never pressure you to come back home, but if you ever do want to, you don’t have to ask. The door is always open.”
I got up and hugged my mom. This has been the first time we have talked like this in a very long time. I do love her to death, and I do know she didn’t mean to hurt me that day many weeks ago.
Andy walked in first then Marie after him. We all sat down and ate breakfast as a family. Then we headed to the living room, and started opening our presents. For my mom being the only bread winner in the family she does do a great job. The gifts were great for all of us. She bought me a palm pilot, which I loved, and some clothes and music.
I felt bad that I didn’t buy her anything for Christmas. This poor woman has worked so hard all her adult life bringing up three kids. There hasn’t been a year that we have bought her a gift for Christmas or her birthday. If we each gave her a self made card, she was happy with that.
Soon after I found out that my grandfather always sent her a check of two hundred dollars for Christmas to spend just on herself. He put as if it came from us kids. At times she took the money and didn’t spend it on herself. Instead she spent on things for the house or for us kids.
The day went to fast for me. At first when I came here yesterday, I wanted it to go fast. Now I just wanted more time with my family. But it was time for me to be heading off now so I said my goodbyes and left.
As I was on the city bus going back to Joey’s, I was thinking of the day I had with my family. I never felt as happy before as I am feeling now.
When I walked into Joey’s family’s house, the gifts were still under the tree and they were waiting for me in the den. Once I walked in, they all jumped up, and wished me a Merry Christmas.
We decided that we were going to eat late, since I ate Christmas dinner at my mom’s house. I wanted to eat Christmas dinner with both of my families, and the only way that could happen is by eating late in the evening at Joey’s.
We first sat around in the den and traded gifts. Once again I didn’t buy anything for Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez, but for Joey, I did. He saved my gift to the end, but when he opened it, his eyes lit up. I bought a matching his-and-his ring set, I had Joey’s engraved in the band; “Joey my heart and soul are yours.”
He got up and came over to me and hugged me then we kissed.
I took his ring from the box, and put it on his finger and said; “Though we cannot marry, this ring is my promise to you that I will always love you and be yours forever! I will never stray or make you unhappy. The greatest gift I have gotten in my life is your love, and that I get to wake up each day to that love!” As I slid the ring on his finger, Joey started to tear up.
He gently took the matching ring from the box, and started to slide it on my finger as he spoke; “Jacob as I have told you before, from the first day I saw you, I knew you were the one. I will walk through fire and move the earth for you to keep you happy. I will always love you until my last breath on this earth!”
Now I was tearing up with what he said as he finished sliding the ring on my finger and we kissed for while.
“Do we need to pull in the water hose in order to separate you guys?” we heard Joey’s Aunt and Uncle inquire.
We stopped kissing and started laughing. Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez wanted to see the rings I bought.
“Those are really nice Jacob. You boys deserve one another. Love like yours is hard to come by; even more rare than once in a blue moon.” Mr. Alvarez stated.
I loved all the gifts I got and will cherish each and every one of them. We decided it was time to eat, so we headed from the den to the dining room. I had two large ham dinners that day, and I ate every bite of them.
It was getting late; it was almost one in the morning when we decided to call it a night. Joey and I headed to our room for bed. Joey was in the living room of our apartment, I pulled out the other gift I had bought him.
When I walked into the living room, Joey was sitting on the chair. I snuck up behind him and covered his eyes. “I have one more gift for you Joey; hold out your hand for me please.”
As he started to hold out his hand, he spoke; “Jacob you have given me everything I wanted for Christmas this year. I don’t want anything else except you with me in our bed.”
We both laughed as Joey opened his eyes. Looked down at the box I put in his hand, and then looked up at me.
“What is this Jacob?”
“Open it and find out. I saw you eyeing it one day, and knew that you wanted it.”
Joey unwrapped the gift and opened the box. His eyes just opened wide and looked up to me.
“No way Jacob, you didn’t buy this for me, it’s too much!”
“Nothing is too much for you Joey, plus I got a big discount on it.”
I laughed as Joey pulled the watch out from the box and put it on. It fit him just right. He turned around and pulled me over the chair, and we started kissing one another.
We were getting so worked up, we headed to the bedroom. By the time we made it to the bedroom, we had each others’ shirts and shoes off. We had a trail of clothes from our living room to our bedroom.
When he hit the bed, I ripped off his pants and then underwear. I was down on him before his head hit the pillow.
“Wow Jacob that feels awesome. The only gift I ever want is you!” Joey said with passion.
I kept bobbing up and down, making my way to his balls. As I was about to start sucking on his balls, Joey flipped me on my back. He pulled at the button of my jeans then pulled them off. I was so hard; my dick was already out of the pee slot of my underwear. He pulled of my boxers, and went down on me.
“I love the way you make me feel when we make love, Joey. It feels so great man, I going to explode!” I said barely even able to talk.
He went towards my butt crack and started rimming me. Then he started kissing back to my balls and dick. Taking my dick in his mouth again, bobbing up and down. My dick slipping out of his mouth, he started kissing his way up.
He started to tongue inside my belly button, which was getting me even hotter, if that was even possible. He kissed his way to my chest, and sucked on each of my tits. Kissing my neck as he made it to my ear, nibbling on it; “Jacob I want you inside of me, I want to feel you! Make love to me please, Jacob!”
I flipped Joey on his back, and started to rim him. I was getting him nice and wet, before I stuck in my first finger, then my second. When I knew he was nice and ready, I gently started going in with my dick. At first it was hard to get in, but once my head pierced the entrance, I was able to slide in. Inch by inch I was sinking in until I felt his hair on mine. “Are you ok my Joey? Do you want me to pull out?” I asked.
“It is ok, it feels great. Just let me adjust to you first!” Joey panted out.
I stayed there for several minutes until Joey gave me the indication he was ready for the next step. I started at very slow at first, then, gradually picked up my speed and lengthened the strokes. I was in heaven, going in out of Joey. Joey was moaning so loud that I knew he was enjoying me being inside of him.
It didn’t take long, Joey was very tight, and I was about to cum. “Joey I am about to cum, do you want me to pull out?”
“No man, no, I want to feel your warm sperm pumping into me. Please cum while you’re inside!” Joey implored.
I kept the same speed, and then it happened; “Joey I am going to cum man, I am cum…….” I just exploded inside of Joey as never have done before.
When I was exploding Joey yelled; “Man Jacob, you hit the damn spot. I’m cumming, damn man, this feels so damn good.”
He started shooting all over the sheets of the bed, while I was shooting inside of him. When I finally shot my last shot, my dick slipped out and I rolled off of Joey falling on the bed beside him. We both just sat there in silence, and I was seeing stars.
About ten minutes later, I pulled Joey to me, and we moved to the top of the bed. We were kissing all the way until we got to out pillows. We snuggled with one another, with Joey back against my stomach. I was trying so hard to get close to Joey! I wanted us to meld into one.
We just went to sleep right there in that position, snuggled up, warmed by each others’ body heat. I never slept as well as I did that night.
It seemed that we both woke up at the same time the next morning. It was around ten or so. We decided to take a shower together, but once inside we couldn’t keep our hands off of one another.
I had often heard of people having sex in the shower, but I never had. We didn’t enter one another, but we had given each a thrill so good that we sprayed the shower down with cum. Once we finished, we had to clean our shower, and then shower ourselves again. I was very thankful for that high capacity water heater we thought to put in when we built the bathroom.
When we got out, we got dressed and changed the bedding on the bed. We threw the dirty sheets and bedspread in the hamper and headed to the kitchen in the main house.
When we got there, Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez were having coffee.
“Look who decided to join us this morning, the love birds.” Joey’s Aunt cooed.
They both laughed as we grabbed a glass of orange juice. Then we sat down at the table with the old folks.
“So you oldie but goodies, what are we having for breakfast this morning!”
“We will show you old!” Mr. Alvarez said as he came at me, and before I knew it I was in a head lock. He was rubbing my wet hair as if he wanted to rub it off. He let me go and sat back down.
“We figured we would go out to eat. What do you guys think about that?” Mr. Alvarez asked.
“We are fine with that man!” Joey and I said in unison.
In the course of the conversations Mr. Alvarez asked me; “Hey Jacob I know it is none of my business, but, how much of the money have you spent?”
I replied with a smile on my face; “Please don’t worry about asking me sir, I have no problem answering. I haven’t spent any of it yet.”
“How could that be, with the shopping you have been doing and all?” he asked.
“I only am spending the interest the money is making. I don’t know how my grandpa and the Trust Department set it up exactly, but the money in some kind of investment program that makes very good interest on the money!” I answered.
“I need to get financial advice from your grandpa one day. That is smart Jacob, spending only the interest. Is there still some left?” Mr. Alvarez further inquired.
“Yes there is, quite a bit, actually. Do you need something sir?” I asked with a bit of concern.
Mr. Alvarez smile and responded; “No, we are doing well. I just want to make sure you are set and are able to have money if needed.”
“I thank you for asking and for your concerns for my well being!” I responded.
We headed out the I-Hop for breakfast. The wait was long but it was well worth it. In public Joey and I don’t show the affection we have for one another. We so badly want to be able to show the love we have, but at the same time we fear the outcome of doing so.
Beyond the problem I had with Tom, I was having a pretty good Christmas vacation. I hung out with Ralph and the guys, and we played touch football. I got home and I was beat. The touch football game went into full contact. I was hit often and was on the ground more then I was up during the last minutes of the game.
Just as I put my feet up after getting home, there was a knock on the door.
“The door is open, come on in!” I yelled from the living room.
“Hello David? Where are you, man?” I jumped to my feet, it was Tom! What in the world does he want? I walked over to the hall, and Tom was just standing there.
“Hey Tom, what’s up? Come on in to the living room, man.” I said just a bit less than warmly.
“I just want to come by and talk with you. You haven’t called me since the last time we were together here!” Tom stated.
I responded, again with a definite lack of warmth; “No, you made yourself clear as a bell. I don’t want to be second to another in a relationship. Don’t get me wrong Tom; I do understand where you are coming from. I would stand by you while you work through your demons, but I won’t stand there and be a dirty secret for anyone.”
Tom had a pained look on his face as he replied; “David, I didn’t mean it the way it came out. I just come from a family that is a man’s, mans kind of family. Being gay is not even an option.”
“Come on Tom, we didn’t decide to be gay, at least I know I didn’t. I struggled with it at first, but then said to hell with it. I am a man’s, man! I don’t walk around like some delicate little fairy! I act like a man, because I was born a man. The only difference is that I like guys not women.” I stated laying out my perspective on my sexuality and the reality of it being as it is.
With a guarded smile, Tom replied; “That’s why I know I like you David! You are not like the fairies I see on television walking in those parades and all. I think that’s what I am afraid of. Iif I tell people I love you. They would think I was one of them.”
“Yeah and it’s sad, we can’t just love who our heart desires. Look, I will wait for you to decide what you want, but not for long. This has to be a two way street to work and you know just exactly how I see things and why”; I said with just a touch of warmth, but giving no indication that vast compromise from me was a big part of the picture.
“Thank you David. I do know that I love you! I have just got to figure out how to have this life and the one I want in football and stuff. It just seems that nothing is simple and uncomplicated for me. ” Tom lamented.
“It will be hard and that is no lie. It isn’t like I want us hugging and kissing in public, I don’t. I just want to be the one you open up to and depend on when times are hard. I want to help you figure things out and find the balance” I offered.
“I know David and that is what I want as well. We will get there. Please just give me some time.” Tom said.
“I will and I’m glad to do that for you, Tom. When you are ready, I want you to meet some of good friends of mine.” I added.
“Who are they, do I know them?” Tom inquired.
“I don’t know if you do or not. I think you might have heard of one of them. I have friends that I have had since we were little kids, and some I just met a year ago. Regarding the ones I met a year ago, we have gotten very close. Those are the ones I want you to meet, and eventually my other close friends as well.” I said with a smile.
“So who are these friends you met a year ago David?” Tom said with more interest.
“Oh sorry, they are Jacob and Joey from school” I said.
Tom’s face registered recognition as he replied; “Yeah I have heard of them both. Isn’t Jacob the one that almost get killed at school a few months ago?”
“Yes, that was Jacob, but he came through just fine, thankfully” I confirmed.
“I heard that the dude is rich now; something like ten million dollars from the law suit his grandfather filed against the City and the School District.” Tom said reflectively.
Smiling, I said; “Yeah he did get in the millions, but I do not think it was that much though. I never asked him how much he did win!”
Tom, thinking more said; “I haven’t seen Jacob around in the last weeks of school before the break. I asked about him when the rumors started floating around about the money he won. I was told he took off from home or something like that.”
I informed Tom; “Yeah he left home for fear of his life. Those stupid gang members really wanted to kill him.”
“Well it is good that he is safe and home now” Tom said, closing the topic.
We sat in the living room watching a movie on pay per view. As the movie wore on, Tom snuggled up to me, and I put my arm around his chest. We watched the rest of the movie snuggled up together like that.
When we heard a key in the door, Tom jumped up from the couch, and sat on the chair. My parents walked right by the living room and never looked in. I laughed out loud at Tom’s panic reaction; he had a look like a person in the head lights.
We got up and hit fist, and he was off. I felt good! I think we settled a lot that day. We might even make as a couple if we both work on it.
We finally figured out a plan on how to get rid of my problem once and for all. As I sat there watching Jacob and his friend’s family eating at I-Hop, I knew it had to be done.
They got up and headed to their car and drove off. I was right on their tail. They drove into the parking lot of the Wal-Mart and I knew this was my chance.
We figured that this guy was going to go to a store or the mall eventually. Right now the stores are so packed we can get close enough and stick a knife in his gut. Then be out of there before he knows what hit him.
I got out and called up a couple of my homey’s and had them come meet me here at the Wal-Mart. They got to the store within ten minutes. I think they ran every red light to get here so fast.
I greet my boys saying; “Hey home’s, how’s it going?”
“Great, so where is this little prick?” one of the guys asked, excited to do my dirty work.
“He is somewhere in the store shopping. You guys know what to do, right?” I asked.
“Yes we do and we won’t fail you” my anxious bud replied.
They headed into the store as I followed behind them to ensure it was done.
Joey and I were clowning around in the clothing department of Wal-Mart, then we decided to head on over to the video department. When we got there, Joey went over to the rock section and I went to the country music section.
I don’t know how we did it, having such different tastes in music, but we did. I didn’t find anything new, so I headed over to the game area. There was a line to play the new Nintendo game system that came out, so I went over to the Saturn area.
It was gone and along with it went the games. Shit! Did they stop making the system and the games, I thought to myself?
So I decided to play the Sonic the Hedge Hog since there wasn’t anyone there in line. I wasn’t that into this particular game, but I wanted to pass the time where Joey could shop for his music. I got tired of the game pretty fast and I just walked off.
As I was walking through the crowds of kids that were gathered to play the new system, I found it still too long for my patience. I got over to the movies and started looking at what had recently come out. I didn’t find a thing I liked, so I headed back over to Joey.
He was looking at music from his favorite bands. I started going through the music and found an album by The Cure. I like them, so I decided to get it. Joey picked out a couple of CDs and we headed off.
We went through the sporting goods. I didn’t really look. I wasn’t that much into sports. I was surprised Joey was actually looking. I waited for him to finish looking at whatever was catching his attention. I didn’t bother to look, I know I should have.
As we started our way to the registers to pay for our merchandise, I felt a hand on my shoulder. At first I thought it was Joey, but I felt as if something was being stuck into me. Within seconds it felt like it was being pulled out.
Right away I grasped to my side, then looking down. I saw blood leaking from my side to the floor. I couldn’t believe this, was I actually stabbed here in the store but by whom? I looked up as Joey was looking down at my side.
He reacted fast by pulling off his jacket and pressing it on my side. All I could do is just stand there, trying to understand why this was happening. I didn’t at first hear Joey talking to me until he hit me on my shoulder.
“Jacob are you hearing me, man? Tell me if it is hurting you!”
“Yeah um, yeah it is! What in the world just happened Joey?”
“Two guys came up behind us and stabbed you in the side. They took off running down that aisle.”
“Hell, man, I just have bad luck don’t I!”
I laughed, but Joey didn’t find it funny. We walked to the front of the store as quickly as possible. Due to being the holidays, and Wal-Mart having problems with their customers being stomped on when the doors open, they started posting police officers at each of their stores.
When we reached the front of the store, past the registers, we found a police officer. At first he wasn’t paying any attention to us, and then Joey yelled at him. “My friend here was stabbed just right now in this store. Do you understand me?”
The officer finally looked at my side then radioed in for back up. Soon after he got off the radio he finally spoke to us.
“What is your name son?”
I always wonder why older people call male teenagers “son”; it isn’t like we are their kids or anything.
“My name is Jacob Hernandez, sir!”
“Can either of you two explain to me what happened?”
Joey responded; “Yes sir, we were walking to the registers from sporting goods….”
At that moment several other officers showed up with EMT’S. The EMT’S started looking at me. They pulled off the jacket and cut away my shirt. After looking at my side, one of the EMT’S radioed something over the radio, and the other took out a bag of something from his bag. “This is to help control the amount of blood you are losing. It won’t stop it, but it will slow it down. We then need to get you on the stretcher, then the hospital as soon as possible” the EMT stated.
I told him; “I can walk myself outside sir, and then I will get on the stretcher. Already too many eyes are looking over here at me.”
The EMT responded; “That’s fine with me, but we’ve got to move now. I heard your name is Jacob Hernandez, is that correct?”
“Yes it is sir.” I confirmed.
“Ok then, we need to start moving now and get you to the hospital!” the EMT said, packing up their kit.
Joey stopped speaking to the police officer and stopped me as I was walking away.“Where are you going Jacob?” he asked.
I replied; “They want to take me to the hospital and get me taken care of. Finish up here and find your aunt and uncle and tell them what happened.”
“What hospital are you taking Jacob sir?” Joey asked the EMT.
“We are going to take him to the nearest one. I believe it is Columbia West” the EMT answered.
“So he will be at Columbia West, correct?” Joey asked for absolute clarity.
“Yes that is correct, that’s where we are taking him” the EMT confirmed clearly.
I headed out with the EMT’S to the ambulance that was parked right in front of the store. Once I reached the door of the ambulance, I got onto the stretcher. They loaded me on the ambulance, and we were off.
About ten minutes later I was back at Columbia West once again. This is becoming all too much a routine for my liking. Man do I hate hospitals! I never wanted to see the inside of one again.
When I was rolled into the emergency room, one of the doctors that came up to look at me knew who I was.
“Jacob, what in the world are you doing back here? You’re not the stab patient we were holding for are you?” he asked with a bit of disbelief in his voice.
“Yeah doctor, someone stabbed me at Wal-Mart” I confirmed.
“The same people who tried to kill you before Jacob?” he asked?
“It might be, I really can’t say for sure. Joey was the one that got a good look at them” I said.
“Damn it, why haven’t the police caught these fools yet? Let me take a look at you!” the Doctor said as he took over and started looking at my side. He had me rolled into x-ray in front of everyone else. I felt bad for that, I really don’t know how long they were waiting, but now I was pushed in front of the line. Several x-rays were taken and then they had me rolled into an examining room. Shortly afterwards the Doctor walked with a smile on his face. “Jacob you are a lucky kid. The surgeries you’ve had in the past is saving your life today. In the area where the knife penetrated, and it went down far I’ll tell you; it didn’t hit any organs at all. The reason it didn’t hit any organs, there are none to there to hit! This is the main side where you must have had the cancer and Dr. Whitmore had to remove most if not all the organs there” the Doctor reported almost with glee.
“I don’t understand sir; I thought I had organs on both sides.” I quarried.
The Doctor answered; “You do Jacob, but the surgeries you had; pretty much rearranged the location of your organs. So, buddy, that has saved your life today. All we have to do is clean out the wound and staple you up.”
“That is cool, Doctor! Does that mean I won’t be here over night this time?”
“Correct, Jacob, just a couple of hours; that’s all. I know you must hate this hospital by now. I will be giving you a shot for the pain and one to numb the area. Then I will clean out the wound and then close you up” the Doctor confirmed with a grin on his ( I just noticed) quite handsome face.
“Wow doctor, I thought nurses did that!” I said in a somewhat teasing fashion.
“Most of the time we have our med students do it. But, seeing as you are our special patient, so I will go ahead and do it. I also promised Dr. Whitmore to always take care of you in case you ever come through the emergency doors again” the Doctor quipped back at me.
“I really like Doctor Whitmore; he goes out of his way to take care of me. Now I am going to have another scar to add to my collection of scars.” I said.
The Doctor smiled and went to work. As the doctor was finishing up, Joey and the Alvarez’s came walking through the curtains.
Joey was still very concerned as he asked; “Jacob is everything alright with you?”
I shot him an assuring grin and replied; “Yeah Joey, he just had to clean out the wound and close it up.”
Surprised, Joey asked; “It didn’t do any damage inside you Jacob?”
Even with the bit of pain I was feeling, I kept smiling and maintained eye contact with Joey and said; “No the doctor said I am I lucky man, right Doctor?”
The Doctor confidently confirmed; “That is correct Jacob. As I told Jacob, the other surgeries he had are saving his life here today. Dr. Whitmore had to move around what was left of Jacob’s organs, so, as a result the knife didn’t hit anything critical!”
“That is one less worry for us to think about then!” Mr. Alvarez said with relief on his face.
“Joey did you give the officers all the information they needed” I asked.
“Yeah I did, but the weird thing is, and you won’t believe this, the stupid fools stayed in the store to admire their handy work. Isn’t that stupid Jacob?” Joey asked.
I had to agree; “That is pretty stupid to say the least. I thought you didn’t get a real good look at them though. I don’t want the wrong people going to jail on this.”
Joey continued with the saga; “First thing, the stabber still had your blood on his arms and legs. Secondly, they pulled the video from the cameras in the store. That nailed them one hundred and one percent!”
With obvious relief, I said; “That’s cool, Joey, then there’s nothing to worry about with this one.”
Joey agreed with my take on the situation and said; “That is true. I really think they are going away for a long time. The only thing that might get them off with a lesser charge is their age. They look to be only thirteen or fourteen at the oldest.”
“Wow it totally sucks that they messed up their lives so early on.” I lamented.
The doctor finished closing me up. He looked over at Joey and the Alvarez’s and said; “Well Jacob is going to be ok, maybe some pain, but ok. I will prescribe him something for the pain, and get him going.”
I interjected; “Doctor I am already taking something for my spine. It is a very strong pain medication.”
“What is the name Jacob? I don’t want to over medicate you!” the Doctor replied with obvious concern.
“I don’t know. I can’t remember to tell you the truth. Can’t you look it up on my records?” I asked.
Right at that moment, Dr. Whitmore walked through the curtains. “Jacob what in the world did you get yourself into now?”
“I ran right into a knife sir.” I replied with just a hint of “smart ass” in my reply.
I started laughing, as well as the others. Dr. Whitmore tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t hold it in.
“Don’t worry about it Jacob, you just have really bad luck! Let me see the chart and I can answer if the pain meds you are taking right now will be enough” Dr. Whitmore replied with just a hint of “smart ass” coming right back at me.
Dr. Whitmore looked over the chart, then back to me and said; “Jacob there isn’t any need for any other pain medicine. You will feel out of sorts for a couple of days, but nothing major.”
“Thank you both. Can I go home now, please?” my tone indicating my patience was worn past thin.
Dr, Whitmore rubbed the top of my head and laughed. “Certainly you can go home, just don’t run into any more knives Jacob.”
We signed the needed paperwork and left. Once we were home, I was happy. I went into our living room, threw up my feet, and put in a movie. I really didn’t want to think about what just happened because I knew if I did, I was going to over think it, and then freak out about it.
I didn’t realize I was tried, I fallen asleep while watching the movie. The next thing I knew, Joey was whispering in my ear that dinner was ready. I got up, washed up, and headed to the kitchen to eat.
Nothing else was said about what had happened earlier that day. We ate and talked about other things; mainly about returning to school.
The rest of Christmas break went by quickly and before we knew it, the New Year passed and it was time to return to school.
When we arrived to school, Joey and I did the norm. We headed down and had breakfast, I free lunch card still worked. I had to stop in at the attendance office before first period, so I left before the others.
When I got to the attendance office, the clerk told me I had to go and see the Assistant Principal. I got to his office and knocked on the door.
“Come in please!” a voice behind the door spoke.
When I walked in the office the place gave me the creeps. It was a size of a broom closet, with nothing but a desk and filing cabinets wall to wall.
I said; “Yes sir, I was told I had to see you in order to return to classes. My name is Jacob Hernandez.”
He looked up from his desk, and then asked me to take a seat. “Yes Mr. Hernandez, we have been waiting for you to come back to class. I know you were not sick this time, so why were you out so long?”
“I had to take care of some personal stuff sir!” I responded.
“That isn’t an adequate excuse to be absent for six weeks, Mr. Hernandez. You know this year, the eighty day rule kicked in. Between all you absences you have gone way over the eighty day rule. Even if I let you return to classes and you pass them with one hundred percent, you won’t get credit. So, do you still want to come back to classes under those circumstances, Mr. Hernandez?” the Assistant Principal asked in a somewhat antagonistic manner.
I responded “So you are telling me sir, I should just drop out since I was attending to some personal issues and before that, I was almost killed on your school property?”
“You are twisting my words around Mr. Hernandez, and I don’t appreciate that. You already got rid of one of us; I won’t let you do the same to me!” the A.P fired back.
“I am sorry for that, but that is the way I understood what you told me. As for the other issue, I didn’t do anything to one of your own. He did it to himself” I said making sure he understood exactly where my understanding of things stood.
“That is true Mr. Hernandez, but I won’t make any mistakes. I am going to follow the rules that are set by the State to the very letter. You will not get credit for this semester for any of your classes. So all I was saying, there is no point for you to even attend since you won’t be credited” the A.P. stated with solid assuredness.
“Yeah, I do know about the eighty day rule. I also know about the appeal process if a student has reason for missing classes. I do, and will show that in the appeal process. In the mean time, I want to start attending my classes” I stated without being intimidated.
“You really think you will win the appeal process with the last six weeks of being out? Dealing with “personal issues” as an excuse to be out of school won’t cut it” the A.P advised in a patronizing tone.
Being undeterred I said; “Let’s leave it up to the appeal process to sort out, sir, but for the mean time, I need you to let me attend my classes.”
“Fine then: I will give you a pass to return to class. I will be keeping an extra close eye on you Mr. Hernandez, and you step out of line even once, you’ll be out of here” the A.P. said in a most ominous manner.
Not feeling the least bit intimidated, I replied; “Well that is totally up to you sir, but if I feel that you are singling me out or harassing me, I will take action against you and the school. All I want to do is attend class and move on, that is all.”
The Assistant Principal just looked at me, then handed me a note. I left his office and went to class. The rest of the morning went pretty good, with students coming up to me welcoming me back. Students I didn’t even know in many cases, but I thanked them all the same.
Once lunch came around, I tried to use my lunch card, it was denied. I paid for my lunch and headed to the table with Joey and the guys. We sat there eating and chatting up a storm. Once again I left before the others. I wanted to know why my card wasn’t working. I went into the office and asked the lunch clerk why.
“Well Mr. Hernandez, it has come to our attention your financial situation has changed. The free lunch program is for those who cannot afford to eat lunch or breakfast. You can. Isn’t that correct Mr. Hernandez?” she asked with a sneer on her face and in her voice.
“If you are referring to the money my grandfather’s law suit won for me, then that is true ma’am” I said without any hesitation.
“That is what I am saying. I see you used your card this morning when you shouldn’t have. I need to collect fifty five cents from you, Mr. Hernandez” the clerk replied, still with total distain in her voice and manner.
I gave her the money and left the office. It is just beginning. I should have expected this type of behavior. My grandfather beat them in a law suit, and now they are playing childish games of retaliation.
I found Joey and the guys talking at the lockers. I pulled Joey to the side when I saw him waving his hand so we could talk in private.
“So what happen about the lunch card Jake? Why didn’t it work?” Joey asked.
“They turned it off, stating I don’t qualify for the free lunch program anymore.” I said.
“Why is that? Is it because you don’t live at home anymore? My aunt and uncle will fill out any paper work that is needed” Joey stated.
I shook my head and said; “No it’s not that; it’s the money my grandfather won. They know I have access it, so I don’t have a true need for the assistance anymore.”
“Damn it Jake, be careful and don’t let them start running all over you. First they tried to keep you from attending class and now this. They have a major bug up their butts because you grandfather sued their asses!” Joey ranted, just a bit.
Putting a calming hand on his arm I said; “I know, but I am not going to fight them on this insignificant issue. They are actually right; I shouldn’t be on the free lunch program anymore. I am going to choose the battles to fight very carefully. I know I am going to win the appeal process, simply because Dr. Whitmore is going to fill the needed paper work out that covers me for those days I missed. So let’s see what else they try to throw my way.”
The hand on the arm worked and Joey replied much more calmly; “You’re right Jacob. I just don’t like seeing anyone picking fights with my boyfriend!”
“Thank you Joey, we will stick this out together!” I said giving his arm one more squeeze.
We returned to David and the guys. The bell rang right then, so we were off again to our afternoon classes.
As Joey and I were walking to fifth period, I thought to myself how lucky I was. I had a guy like Joey for starters, and all the hell I have been through and that I am still standing. We walked into JROTC building and took our seats.
Roll call was taken, but my name wasn’t called. It didn’t surprise me. After a certain period of time; your name is dropped from the roll call sheet. I didn’t say anything, I knew I would be called into Major Moore’s office soon enough.
Not skipping a beat, right after the Company Commander took his attendance sheet into the office, the Major walked out.
“Mr. Hernandez I need to see you in my office right now son!”
I got up and walked over to Major Moore’s office as the rest of the Company went to the range. When I walked in not only Major Moore was there, but Sergeant Haney and the Assistant Principal, Mr. Stone.
“Mr. Hernandez please take a seat. We need to speak with you” the Major said.
I walked over to the only seat that wasn’t taken, right in front of the three teachers.
Major Moore took the lead; “Mr. Hernandez I have been speaking with Mr. Stone here about your attendance issue. He has brought up lot of important points to me and Sergeant Haney. Why is it that you came back to class this semester Mr. Hernandez?”
“Because, Major Moore, I was ready to return to class and my studies. No real out there reason, just I am ready to come back.” I said flatly not caring to discuss the whole matter with this group.
“That’s all fine and dandy, but you have missed more days then you’re allowed, Mr. Hernandez. We cannot have you attending class, and more so this one, when the program is going through the bi-annual inspection. This inspection is very important and I do not need anything to lose points on” the Major said, pressing his point of view.
I replied with total respect for the Major; “With all due respect Major Moore; I have already had this talk with Mr. Stone this morning. He cannot keep me from attending any of my classes, and he knows it. He wants to continue to try to undermine the process. He is setting this school up for another issue with the courts.”
Mr. Stone quickly jumped into the conversation; “Jacob, there is no need to be threatening us this way. I am just letting your teachers know what is going on with you and your situation about attendance; that is all.”
Looking directly at Mr. Stone with penetrating eyes I said; “If I do not win the appeal process, then my credits get pulled. You do not need nor should you be going to each of my teachers discussing this with them. I could probably prove that you or any of the other office staff have not done this before in the past with other students that fell outside the attendance rule.”
Mr. Stone stayed quiet as well as the instructors. I knew what I was talking about because I read up on the rule before I returned. Joey and I talked about my return many nights, and we knew I was going have it bumpy due to the law suit.
Turning my attention to the Major; “Plus, Major Moore, it doesn’t matter whether I do get my credits for my classes or I don’t. It won’t affect your inspection results one way or another. Mr. Stone has been making it hard for me all day. He is making it his mission in life to see that I fail.”
Mr. Stone reacted immediately to what I said; “That is wrong Jacob and you know it! I have a job here, and it includes making sure that no one is treated any different than another.”
Knowing I’d hit a nerve I responded; “That is fine, so do that job Mr. Stone. You are singling me out for what has happened to the former principal at this school. If you still have a problem, let’s meet with the new principal and get this matter settled, right now.”
“That sounds like a good idea Mr. Hernandez, let’s do that!” Mr. Stone responded.
At that point Major Moore picked up the phone and called over to the main building. About five minutes later a man walked through the door. He wasn’t an old man, but not young, maybe mid fifties, tall, with salt and pepper hair, and a nice suit and tie.
He was informed by Mr. Stone and Major Moore why he was called over. I didn’t say I word; they had the principal’s ear and I was certainly not going to interrupt and be rude in any way.
“Ok then, let’s all just settle down here for a moment. First of all Jacob, I have just been on the phone with Dr. Whitmore. He asked if anything happened here, he was the one you wanted to be called in on your behalf. Does that still stand young man?” the Principal asked.
“Yes sir it does!” I replied with finality.
The Principal stepped over to the Major’s phone and punched a button; “Dr. Whitmore we have you on speaker phone and we are in the JROTC building, office of the senior army instructor. Here in the room is Major Moore, Sergeant Haney, Assistant Principal Mr. Stone, myself, and Jacob.”
“That is fine, Jacob is everything alright?” Dr. Whitmore’s voice came over the speaker phone.
“Yes Dr. Whitmore everything is fine. I am having a little problem with Mr. Stone here about my attendance and the eighty day rule.” I reported factually.
“Plus he tried to steal breakfast and lunch today on his free lunch card” Stone interjected.
The Principal took control of the conversation; “As of now, that is a dead issue, Jacob paid for the meals. We are here because Mr. Stone, you are trying to get Jacob to drop school until the new semester. Let me say this: we do not do that. If the student wants to attend classes, we let them. We all understand this point.
That leads to the issue of his attendance and the eighty day rule. I have gotten a fax from the School District that is over riding the rule for Jacob due to his sickness and doctor stating that he was out due to his sickness.
I just received the fax maybe a half hour ago. I think this was the first issue on the School Board’s agenda this morning when they returned. So the issue we are here about is moot as of now. Jacob will be receiving his credits for his classes as long as he passes them.”
Dr. Whitmore came across the speaker phone saying; “That sounds good to me, and I want to make sure, here and now, that Mr. Stone stops picking on Jacob. He is a good kid, just has had some bad knocks and they weren’t even his fault.”
The Principal wanted this potential bomb defused here and now. He said; “I promise you Dr. Whitmore and Jacob, the issue here with Mr. Stone is over. He will no longer be dealing with Jacob. I do not want any more problems for this school or the district. What we will do from now on is that Jacob will be coming to me with any issues where he would normally go to his assistant principal. If that ever happens, I will make sure to have you present in one way or another, Dr. Whitmore” the Principal stated clearly.
Dr. Whitmore responded; “Again I like this idea as well. Let’s just let Jacob return to school and be a teenager for once. He needs to live and enjoy his youth.”
Summing things up the Principal said; “We now have this all settled then. Mr. Stone let’s get going. There is no need to be taking up more of the instructor’s time. Dr. Whitmore, thank you for your time. I know you are a busy man.”
With that the principal and Mr. Stone left, and Dr. Whitmore hung up. Sergeant Haney left as well, leaving me in the office with Major Moore.
“I know sir I have lost my position and rank. Tomorrow when we are in uniform I will turn in my stripes.” I told the Major.
With a hint of a smile on his face the Major said; “Mr. Hernandez, that isn’t going to happen. You still have the same rank and position son. We are going to do other changes though. I want you to select another cadet, and you two will be responsible for raising and lowering the flag.
Plus Mr. Hernandez, I know you wanted to join the Teams, but right now you can’t due to your injuries. We just won Mid-year Drill and our Rifle Team has won District. So that means our teams will be going to State. I need you to get this newsletter up and going. I want the first issue out before State.
I still cannot make you the editor, but I will make you assistant editor with a promise the newsletter is yours next year. The Battalion Cadet Command Sergeant Major will be the editor this year. Please see her and let her know how you want the newsletter to run. She is the editor, but the baby is yours to get off the ground. I am depending on you to get it done, Mr. Hernandez.”
I smiled as I said; “Thank you Major. I will not let you down. To be honest with you, I have given it a lot of thought.”
“Good, then get out there and get it done. I asked the Command Sergeant Major to meet you here after school. She is excited about doing this. She is a little down. The Battalion Commander and Command Sergeant Major didn’t do well in front of the Promotion Board for Brigade positions” the Major stated.
I left the office pretty happy with what went down. I was nervous as hell when I was standing up to Mr. Stone and others. I thought for sure I was going to be kicked out of school. But I wasn’t and instead everything was settled.
The bell rang and I told Joey all about what had happened in the office. He was angry at first, and then settled down. He didn’t have the same Assistant Principal due to being assigned our assistant principals by our last name.
We were both excited to have things to do after school. He got on the Rifle Team, and I am now putting together the newsletter.
Finally the day ended and I was so excited. Joey and I hurried over our lockers and grabbed the books we needed. We then headed over to the ROTC building. Joey went to the range, while I waited for in the main classroom.
The building was busy with drill team members, rifle team member, color and honor guard members coming in and out. Then the Battalion Sergeant Major walked in. I knew who she was; a real bitch to say the least. I never met her, but knew her face by the picture on the board of the Battalion Staff. We had to know who they are for inspection reasons.
She walked over to me and introduced herself. “Hello Jacob, I am Loraine Rodriguez, the Battalion Sergeant Major.”
“Good to meet you Sergeant Major, I think you can now add Editor In Chief to your resume.”
She laughed at what I said, I just smiled.
“I know it isn’t the school newspaper, but I’m hoping we will make it even better.” I said.
“I hope so Jacob, I need to fill my after school projects up for college.” She explained.
We sat there talking at first about what to name the newsletter. We finally agreed on the name, The Flying Tigers. Our mascot is a tiger, and the teams are known everywhere as the Flying Tigers. The name was given to our drill teams because of all the throwing they do in their drills. Our teams get more points for doing the harder drills, which include a lot of weapons in the air.
The next thing we had to decide was where we were going to do this. First of all, we need a base of operations. Since it isn’t that big, just a desk with a computer. We knew the school newspaper wasn’t going to let us use their printing machine to print ours. I already had that solved.
I told Loraine how we were going to get it printed; “When a student gets ahead in school credits, they are offered to go to Tech High. It gives them a technical degree along with their high school degree. They do all sorts of classes, which includes printing business cards, letters, newspapers, and the like. I don’t know what kind of Tech degree that is, but we only pay for the supplies and that is it.”
“Major Moore has told me we had a budget to work with.” Lorraine remarked.
“He told me we do, and what it was. If we watch the amount we spend on film and other things, we can get this done under the monthly budget he has given us.” I said with confidence.
“Then let’s get it going Jacob” Lorraine said.
By the time Joey was ready to go, we had already decided what would be the first stories and how the newspaper was going to be set up. We left the outline of what the newspaper was going to look like on Major Moore’s desk. Now all we had to do was get other cadets involved.
As the weeks went by, we had the newspaper well under way. Major Moore was right; Loraine wasn’t going to have time to spend on the newspaper. She was busy with the other teams. So the paper was pretty much mine.
By the third week, the first volume of The Flying Tigers was published. When we got it back from the printers, everyone was happy with the final product. We came in way under the budget and had four hundred copies made, and in color!
At the same time Joey and I were going to the top of the building putting up and taking down the flag. One morning while we were up there, it was six thirty in the morning. None of the teachers have arrived yet; just the school’s teams were there at practice.
The key we used to open the door to get to the flag pole on top of the building was a master key. We didn’t know the key actually opened every door in the school. Joey and I were fooling around, and I tried the key on another door under the flag pole.
We were both surprised it opened it. We decided to go down and see where the stairs led it to. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, it opened into the science labs. But this room wasn’t open to the students. It was the room that was used to store the equipment and materials for the science classes.
We started looking around and found large fish tanks full of dead frogs. I went and open the big metal door. It was a walk in freezer, and inside were dead cats in bags.
I looked over to Joey and grabbed one of the cats from the freezer. We went running up the stairs and locked the door. We ran to the one side of the roof that over looked one of the stair cases going into the school.
“Hey Joey, let’s leave the door unlocked, and when the bell rings we come up here and throw the cat down on the students when they are coming up the stairs to class.” I said in a devious tone.
I started to laugh but Joey wasn’t at first.
“We will be caught Jacob, I don’t want to get into any trouble” Joey said in total sincerity.
“First of all the teachers on this floor are already used to seeing us coming and going through this door. And second of all, it’s a cat, no one will figure out it came from the labs, and if they do, they will think it was one of the students taking the class. Neither you nor I are taking a science elective this semester” I said with my sly grin still plastered on my face.
“Your right Jacob and it would be pretty funny watching whoever’s head it hits” Joey conceded.
We high fived each other, and unwrapped the cat from the bag. I wanted to dry it out if it was wet. We left it there, and went to practice.
As always Joey got out of practice for us to go and eat breakfast. We ate really quickly and headed back up to the roof. As we went to the stairway, there was no teacher in sight.
We sat there waiting for the bell to ring. When it did, we looked over the wall, and, as we thought, there, looking like little ants, were students, going up and down the stairway. I grabbed the cat, put it on the edge, and then pushed it over.
Joey and I started running to the stairs when we heard yelling. As we were running down the stairs, we slowed down to a casual walk as we reached the door to the fourth floor hallway. We walked out normally, and again, not a teacher in sight.
At that point we walked over to the windows going down the stair way on that side of the building. We both looked out and saw several students standing there brushing off their clothes, and another guy was just kicking the poor cat down the stairs.
We started laughing as we made our way down the stairs. We met up with David before first period. He was angry as a hornets’ nest.
“What is wrong David, some pee in your breakfast this morning?” I asked in total innocence.
“No man, this stupid cat fell off the roof of the building and hit me and a couple of other kids.”
It took everything in my power not to break down right there in laughter, and then I looked over at Joey, and saw the same thing.
“That damned cat must have wanted to commit suicide or something! Why in the world would it jump for the top of the roof otherwise?” David ranted on.
I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I just broke down in laughter. As I was laughing Joey just broke down and started laughing as well. David was just looking at us like we were crazy. I finally was able to speak between chuckles. “David, my man, maybe that cat saw your mug and felt it didn’t have a reason to live anymore.”
We kept laughing even more. David on the other hand was getting madder. He was about to blow his top, when I talked again. “David, I don’t really think that cat jumped off the roof. It might have slipped, but committing suicide? I don’t think so. Come on man, lighten up, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
At that point David finally started to laugh. I never seen that guy angry, but we couldn’t tell him the truth. The less people knew what we did, the less of a chance of it coming back to bite us. We laughed so hard, it brought tears to my eyes. We finally were able to stop laughing and headed to class.
As first period rolled along, David was laughing and joking about what had happened to him and the other students before class. We got into the playing around until the teacher asked us to be quiet and study.
During lunch, all the teams were asked to be in the JROTC building for the last thirty minutes of break. Major Moore got a message to me during second period I was required to attend the meeting as well.
When we walked into the building, it was packed; not a single place to sit. So, Joey and I stood along the side of the wall.
Major Moore walked out of his office and began; “Alright settle down now, I need to have quiet!”
The Team Captains brought their teams to attention, then, put them at ease to let Major Moore speak.
“Now take you seats please and let me talk for a few minutes. As you all know we won the Fall and Mid-year Drill Meets and will be heading to Houston for the State Championship. There is a lot riding on this, and to add to the confusion there are new rules.
Before, we were allowed to use members from other teams to fill in our Color and Honor Guards and the Orienteering Team. This year, we need to have totally separate teams, and that just doesn’t help us. We had a short fall in students joining the program and therefore, fewer personnel for the teams. We need to get out there to our Companies and get more cadets involved with the remaining teams.
We already have our Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams filled along with the Rifle Team. Any of the Spear Team members that are not forming in the units will be moved into the Color and Honor Guards. The last team I am worried about is the Orienteering Team. Let’s do what we can to get these filled and trained for Houston.”
The teams went to their areas and started talking on how they are going to help out the other teams. I just stood there wondering why Major Moore asked me to attend this meeting. As he walked by me, he patted me on the back and waved for me to follow him. We walked outside of the building.
“Mr. Hernandez, I need your help. We must use every tool available to us to get the word out. Can we get together a special issue of The Flying Tigers?” the Major asked me.
“We can, but I don’t see what we can say in the newsletter that can’t be put out by the Company Commanders in class” I said with curiosity.
“So how do you figure we can get these teams filled, Mr. Hernandez?” the Major asked.
After a moment of thinking I told the Major; “Well, Sir, one thing you know is this class and its teams are for the nerds in the school. When I first took the class, I only took it to offset PE credits. You made it fun and more than just drilling in a box.
As of right now, you have a rule that freshman cannot join the teams. Freshmen are your largest segment of cadets. What I think you should do is allow them to join your Orienteering Team then up to your Color and Honor Guards. Make the Drill and Rifle teams the elite teams to shoot for.”
The Major had stopped in his tracks looking at me and listening intently. “That is a good idea, and that way we might be able to keep more of our cadets the following year. It would take care of my enlistment issue at the same time. That’s why I kept you around. With your keen mind, one day you will be in my Battalion Staff. Oh, also you do know you are going with us to Houston. Right?” he more stated than asked.
“No sir, I am not on any of the teams!” I replied honestly.
“No you’re not on the teams, but you are running my newspaper.” The Major pointed out.
He patted me on my back and we headed back into the building. He called over Sergeant Haney and his Team Captains to speak with them. Joey and I headed out.
After practice we headed home, as I walked through the front door, Mr. Alvarez asked to speak with me in the den.
I walked into the den, and sitting there were a couple of uniformed officers and a couple of suits. I just looked around at them and then took a seat on the chair.
“Jacob, Mr. Gonzalez is the new District Attorney and he came here to speak with you. I will stay here with you while he talks with you” Mr. Alvarez explained.
“Jacob, I am sorry for just showing up on you like this out of the blue. I never make house calls, but in this instance I felt I needed to. You were stabbed after Christmas is that correct?”
“Yes, but I didn’t see who did the stabbing!” I added.
“I know that, we already have the kids in custody and pleaded out. We had video tape of them stabbing you. We have a problem though, Jacob. When we were going through the store recordings of that day, we found a face following you around the store” the D.A. said with obvious concern.
At that point Mr. Gonzalez handed me some pictures. When I looked at them, it was of the kid that did the shooting at Austin High School over a year ago.
Mr. Gonzalez continued; “We spoke to the young kids that stabbed you and finally got them to tell us why they did it. They were picked by this guy….” He said as he pointed to the picture on the table; “to stab you and get you out of the way. They figured since the kids were underage, they would not get in as much trouble as adults would. We then pulled our plea agreement from them and told them we will prosecute them as adults. Then they spilled the beans on Aljandro and the gang.
They were after you to get you out of the picture. Aljendro was scared that we might prosecute him again for the shooting. We had no attention on doing so until now. They have other plans in the works on getting to you, Jacob.
We need to protect you and pick this guy up. Right now we can’t find him, so it makes him even all the more dangerous. The only problem we have is that we just don’t have the budget to have a protective detail on you. So we asked for volunteers to give up their free time in order to provide the protection. We got a few to do so.
Will you please testify for us and once and for all put this guy behind bars for not only the shooting at Austin high but for the attempted murder of you twice past the shooting incident?” the D.A. asked ?
{Oh wow it looked like Jacob was finally getting to be a teenager for once, and now a ghost from the past has come back to haunt him. Will Jacob step up and finally testify for the State or just walk away as he did before? We need to keep an eye on the relationship between David and Tom. It looks like it is getting stronger or is it? Joey and Jacob are finally living together and falling more in love with one another. Will Joey’s family step in and mess things up when they find out of the living arrangements? There is a lot to answer in the chapters to come. Stick around and keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at jacobmillertex@aol.com, Thanks!}
very good