Jacob Finding His Way!

House Going up!

Above are four pictures in a photo album of Jacob’s new house going up. They are of several sides of the house and in the next week or two, more photos albums will be added on how the finished house looks like and where the rooms are. As always I thank Ed for putting these pictures together. I hope  you enjoy them and the story comes more to life for you. I am always trying to make you feel when you visit my sites that you are actually in Jacob’s and the other stories characters shoes. See through their eyes what they are seeing and doing. Please drop comments here on the page or a email  on your thoughts. I lot of thought and work go into everything you see here and read here.

2 Responses to Construction of Jacob’s New House!

  • Adding a visual dimension to your stories is a stroke of genius! Thanks for making the experience even better

  • Great stuff! Agreed, having a “visual” aspect to your stories adds much ooomph methinks. Love it! House looks HUGE, anyone thought of writing a floor plan drawing?
    Regards, jono

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