
Mom In loving memory of my mother Gloria, who passed away on June 12, 2012. Her family, her friends, and all those that met her along the way will miss her. Since her passing, I have found that she has touched so many people in so many different ways. None of those that met her had one bad thing to say about her. I will miss her every minute, of every day until the day I leave this world and join her in heaven where she is now looking down watching over brothers, my sister, and me.

My mom was in a lot of pain before she left this world and I take comfort that she is no longer in pain as she reunites with my grandfather and uncle in heaven. She was not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. She is going to be put to rest this coming Monday back home in Cheyenne Wyoming alongside my grandfather and uncle. I do not know how I am going to be able to get along without her in my life except to know that she is in a better place, a place that ended her eleven-year fight. For eleven years, she was in a lot of pain, and finally her body just had enough. I wish she had one more fight in her, but at the same time, I did not want her in pain anymore. Mom I love you with all my heart. You are my heart and soul, my life. I will miss you every second, of every minute, of every day. I know you are in heaven in peace.

Gloria: April 20,1949 – June 12, 2012

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Second Mom

Another wonderful woman in my life lost her long battle to stay on this earth. A woman I had the honor to call my mother as well. She took me in close to twenty years ago as a son, even though she didn’t give birth to me. She treated me as a son and always welcomed me in her home with open arms. She introduced me to her family as her son, which I will never forget. Her sisters, brothers and family friends welcomed me in their circle as her son and I will never forget that.

Maria Yolanda Gutierrez has been battling over a decade many issues, and won each battle. I was with her for most of them and was there with other members of her family helping her through most of them. On August the first, she was rushed into the ER with internal bleeding. Her heart stopped for close to thirty minutes that day, but that didn’t stop her. She said no way and came back to her family and loved ones for another six days. For six very painful days, she stayed around for her family to come in and come to terms that she was ready to leave this world. As with everything in her life, she left this world on her on time table. Once she felt that her family was ready, she left this world on August the seventh.

That day was the second worst day in my life. My worst as you all know was the day I lost my mother, which I relive every day. Maria will not only be missed by her family and friends, but all those that she met along the way. Everyone couldn’t believe that she had lost this battle, but understood. Her body was worn out, and couldn’t hold on. Her will and spirit were strong, proof of that after the machines were turned off. She lived for another forty minutes. She will be loved by many and her life will go on in her five kids and twelve grandchildren that are left behind. Maria was a wonderful woman. Courageous, strong , loving and most of all my second mother. I love you, miss you and know that you are in heaven, out of pain, looking down at your family and friends protecting them.

One Response to Mom

  • Roger McDaniel says:

    I know this is a hard time for you..Coming up on one year that your mother has passed..
    I can say that i know how you feel as i lost my Mom on June 4th 2012 after a hard fought battle
    with C O P D. My Mom was so special just like yours was.. Also for me this time of the year is so hard
    as Mom passed away on June 4th and 3 week later on July 2 my Dad passed away he could not stand to
    be with out her, so after a year of sickness he was called home to be with Mom..
    I will be thinking about you on June 12th and will close my eyes in rememberence of your Mother..


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