Beneath the Mask Polls:
On this page you will find a variety of polls to test your knowledge on the story of “Beneath the Mask”. They are fun to get into and it will bring back things you might have forgotten through out the long saga of this story. If you have time, please go down below and test your knowledge on the polls that are posted. We will try and get out polls to you on regular basis!

there is another plot to how Ashton plot could end have Matt kill Ashton just before Ashton Kills Carlos and Alex. Make it self defiense and Justifiable do it the hotel with Ashtons weapon. This would show Matts deep and unconditional Love. Not need but
Carl’s reply is excellent! But I want Ashton to get the crap beat out of him. Maybe rather than being killed, as such, Matt sneaks up behind Ashton and he, Alex and Carlos beat him down but Ashton sustains internal injuries and dies as the result of that. He needs to have a little bit of time to regret what he’s attempted to do and realize he’s been defeated.
I like what Hank says.
Keep writing all stories until you can work them back into one or two Another great chapter, I can hardly wait until everyone shows up at the car lots.