General Poll
This page would be questions that are of a general nature and not related to any one particular story. Be sure to scroll down as there are several down further. Check back as we will be adding more all the time.

Trivia: How many times have minature recorders been used against others in all the stories. Put the answers in the comments at the bottom of the page. Aaron's brother is not the first one.
- 3 (38%, 34 Votes)
- 4 (31%, 28 Votes)
- 2 (17%, 15 Votes)
- 5 (12%, 11 Votes)
- 1 (1%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 89

Have followed stories from the beginning. Great stories. Hope they don’t ever end……
I disagree with Joe Liedtky to a point. I do not want them to end but I do want them to be combined into one story. I have been feeling like I am reading the same thing over and over again. I do enjoy the stories of Josh, Jacob and the rest. The Chris and whoever or mike and whoever I find that I cannot get into the first chapter. If the first chapter is that bad I do not waste my time to read them. I think I would like Shadow of my Father be the main story as that is the one I get into the most. Thanks to all for your hard work.
I’ve been following all 4 of your stories plus Rebirth. I am really enjoying following all the characters in each story. I think having 4 different stories with characters from one story having a cameo appearance in another story makes all four stories a very interesting read. It makes one pay attention to every plot in the stories, because as you (Jacob) said before one can get lost real quick if one of these stories is not followed. I agree with Joe Liedtky – I hope these stories never end.
Jacob – you are amazing writer.
Dont ever stop writing.
The choice which I made of my favorite story is not exactly correct. “Jacob Finding His Way” and “Shadow Of My Father” are actually a dead-heat. “Regrets” and “Mask” are also pretty much a tie as ‘second choice.’ I agree that there could be some combining of the stories, but “Shadow” probably should stand on its own, whereas “Jacob,” “Regrets” and “Mask” might be able to alternate chapters in a story that stands by itself.
I did a little research into El Paso High School. I have the url to two places of interest at the end of this post. Presently the school has just over 1300 students. I know the building was built to house over 2000, not sure the maximum number. Originally, the school was unique become everything was under one roof. Looking at the building it is obvious that even the gym etc had to be in that building, once it was pointed out as there aren’t other major structures around except what appears to be the new library and cafeteria.. The was a roof garden at one time.
The school is on the National Register of Historic Places. The school is considered one of the finest buildings not only in El Paso, but in all Texas.Some of the hallways are marble!
This school has the best schedule of any high school I have read. I would probably add a minute to the two passing times if I were principal. Perhaps that would give a few too much time to a few, but many would welcome it, especially the girls.
El Paso High School is on the block schedule.. There is only one lunch period (40 minutes with additional 5 minute travel time) with cafeteria large enough for the entire student body to eat. There are two blocks of 90 minutes before lunch and two blocks of 90 minutes after lunch. Between the morning blocks and the afternoon blocks is a 5 minute passing time. Don’t know how lenient the school really is on that.probably depends on the teacher.
Jacob mentions the warning bell between classes, a late bell and a tardy bell. Perhaps Jacob will explain what those bell names really mean as to when to they ring as far as they been when between classes.. Is the FINAL bell five minutes after the bell that starts the passing time or is ti it the warning bell that rings five minutes after the passing bell first sounds with perhaps another minute before the final tardy bell rings meaning “trouble” for tardy students.
In our area the only warning bell would be a bell before the start of school and teh start of classes after lunch. Between two classes, there is one bell to dismiss a class and one bell that starts the next class and when that bell rings if you aren’t in your seat you are tardy..
The only warning bells in our schools are the bells before school to announce five minutes to class and the same after lunch.
This to me perfect schedule allows for all the students and teachers to have a wonderful schedule: Not some having the schedule from heaven and others having the schedule from hell with a few teachers and students in the middle..
This retired teacher will get off his soap box except to say that is a hell of a school. I read a few of the teacher’s rules and such. I was very impressed with the ones I read. There are millions of teachers.just in the USA. It is understandable that many are outstanding and some are not., .
If maintained this magnificent building should last centuries instead of 30 years like some classrooms in yesteryear were built and some today are built. Below are links to some very interesting information about El Paso High. Jacob has good reason to be so proud of his Alma mater.
Link for El Paso High School
Another website for El Paso High School – great article tells what the bottom floor of the high school is for now that a new cafeteria has been built . I wonder why the cafeteria had to move? I doubt the school moved because it had a surplus of building money and had to spend it right then.
Jacob and Beneath can definitely be combined because those two are so interwoven together. They are all like one big family. Regrets really needs to be more in the same time frame as the others, once it does get there it will be much better. Shadow definitely needs to stand alone as it’s own story. Rebirth is quite refreshing and a really good read.
The votes are coming in!!! Keep writing all four is getting 75 % of the vote. That is spectacular indication that most of us love all four stories and want them all to continue as they are as long as you have the energy to keep writing four stories. It is your heart and soul that is the basis for the stories. Using the high school you went to was a wonderful choice. You can make it so personal because you have that beautiful building to hold all your thoughts and soul. The best fiction requires the writer to be very familiar with the geography and culture of the fiction story. You have that. That is wonderful to see. I feel like I have been to that school. I drove right past it over a year ago before I knew of its existence. I would have looked for it for sure!!!
I have been following your stories for a long time now and enjoy all 4 of them, plus “Rebirth”. I am also up to date with Trevor’s two stories. Jacob you are a fabulous writer and these stories are absolutely superb. I ask that you do not combine, drop or stop writing any of them until The End to their life stories actually ends. I look forward to each chapter of each story. I Thank You for all the effort and time you put into each story. Stay Happy, Healthy and Prosperous. God Be With You Always.
An Avid Reader and Friend Always with Love and Hugs: George
I’ve been a reader of yours from the start and will be till the end (hopefully years down the road). I actually find I enjoy reading the same events in a couple of the stories. Even though the events are the same, the differences in the perceptions of the characters give me more to consider. It is all so well done that these small nuances come to mean a lot.
George 68
“Jacob you are a fabulous writer and these stories are absolutely superb. I ask that you do not combine, drop or stop writing any of them until The End to their life stories actually ends. I look forward to each chapter of each story”
“I actually find I enjoy reading the same events in a couple of the stories. Even though the events are the same, the differences in the perceptions of the characters give me more to consider. It is all so well done that these small nuances come to mean a lot.”
Both quotes stated to perfection. Superb
I would like to see a like and dislike option for the readers comments.
I keep trying to answer the question about when do I come to the site to read. Everytime I vote, it just keeps processing and gets hung up and won’t complete. I am only reading Shadow of My Father and I find it just a good as when I first started reading it. I am looking forward to reading it all the way to the White House!
I agree with James about combining the stories into one. When “Jacob” started and the others followed. You stated eventually they would combine into one. I think that time has come because each chapter is almost a repeat of the last one.
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Please start writing again.