Regrets and Heartaches Polls:
On this page you will find a variety of polls to test your knowledge on the story of “Regrets and Heartaches”. They are fun to get into and it will bring back things you might have forgotten through out the long saga of this story. If you have time, please go down below and test your knowledge on the polls that are posted. We will try and get out polls to you on regular basis!

What should happen to Bill and his friends?
I think it should say probation, but not mess up and has to attend therapy and a class about the gay community
I am very disappointed in the way the characters Beth and Dominic were dealt with. To end up with probation (in a ‘fantasy’ shows that there is still no justice for the abuse of gays. They got a slap on the wrist for a federal crime of kidnapping, kidnapping across state lines, fleeing the jurisdiction while out on bail, and several others. You’ve made a mockery of the judicial system. It isn’t always fair, but Justice isn’t ‘this’ blind. And to say both characters have a change of heart is ridiculous.
I think the judge that took Garcia’s cases should be put in jail for what he did. This is one of the stories that should come to an end soon and then be combined with Jacob’s story.
i disagreecombining jacob’s and joey’s story. joey is a main character of this saga, and how his life unfolds with the rest of the other stories must be dealt with separately.