Shadow of My Father Polls:
On this page you will find a variety of polls to test your knowledge on the story of “Shadow of My Father”. They are fun to get into and it will bring back things you might have forgotten through out the long saga of this story. If you have time, please go down below and test your knowledge on the polls that are posted. We will try to get out polls to you on regular basis!

What song do you want to hear Josh sing next? (type your answer in comment box)
Luck be a Lady tonight (from Guys and Dolls)
Corner of the Sky (from Pippin)
great Choice, so many great songs from that play. I could see Josh playing Pippin.
When I suggested “Corner of the Sky” I was thinking of how Josh will carve his future
based on his strength and skills. If you listen to the words it tells you of Josh’s struggles
and him optimism. The best version (in my opinion) of this song is of Basil Valdez.
Since his father is in Politics and they have been with the President I think he should sing “Don’t Rock The Boat”
Stand By Me
Bridge over troubled water / blowin in the wind?
I’ve always loved “Love Me Tender” by Elvis. I would love to either sing that to Cesar or be Cesar and have it sung to me. I’ve always loved that song, though it was written before my time.
“God Must Have Spent a Little More Time On You” either version; though the Alabama version being backed by NSYNC might work a little better than the NSYNC backed by Alabama one,
“I Got You Babe”
Wind Beneath My Wings would be such a good song for Josh to record. There are so many people he could record it for as well. For Caesar for standing beside him, for his brothers for how they have changed and started being there for him, for his friends how they have been there with him, for his Uncle and Grandmother, as well as for his Father and his step mother. There are just so many ways this song could be written it, and would touch everyones heart.
I agree with Chris with Wind Beneath My Wings with a dedication to all those who stood behind him through everything.
I agree, but this song would always be sung to Cesar, like he did in the emergency ward.
The Climb
Wing Beneath My Wings
Should have Read “Wind Beneath My Wings”
I would love to see Josh sing “My Valentine” to Cesar
I will leave it up to your discretion since you really rock with the ideas! I have enjoyed hearing the song as I read during the story where they come it. It makes it more meaningful. Thanks
I hope that Chris gets a very nice boyfriend soon, and one that will last. I don’t think Angel and he have been good for each other, but maybe Angel could change? If not, I hope Chris doesn’t waste much time with him.
He should sing :
I wont let go – by Rascal Flatts
Unstoppable – by Rascal Flatts
for the all school gathering because the words would work so great with the message he’s trying to get out there to other young gay people.
Josh could sing “Friends in Low Places” party song. Also, He could sing and record “The Dance” and dedicate it to people the like Stan. Both songs were sung by Garth Brooks. Great job on all of your stories.
Your choices of Josh’s music has been on point. But I would love to hear him sing “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, Simon & Garfunkel’s version. I think that his vocal ability would lend well to the song, and the words are uplifting and supportive, especially since his father, Rich, and their administration, are stepping out to fight sexual injustice. Or, “You’ve Got A Friend”, Carole King’s version. They both would go over well.
the song i’d like josh to sing i beleive its called “to know him” which would be a great song to be sung to cesar
How about Josh sing another fun country song that people get into like Aaron Tippin’s 1992 #1 Country Chart hit ‘There Ain’t Nothin’ Wrong with the Radio’.
I think the 2 best stories there are: Jacob finding his Way; and Shadow of his father and that the site should stick with those stories only. Also, these stories do NOT need a lot of sex scenes to keep them going, as the plot lines keep the reader on the edge of his seat. It would be nice if the 2 stories were finally joined—-if, brought up to the same point in time as Jacob is still behind Shadow in time sequence. There are really too many characters involved in both to be able to follow the stories adequately. With Shadow I think the story should really revolve around Josh, his family and budding career—-possibly putting all the dialog of what his friends are going thru into a spinoff. Lets face it, the stores are about Jacob and Josh—–not all the trials and tribulations of their friends.
i would like to see the song proud to be an american when they are welcoming home the troops after the Kuwait deal is over i can tell you as a current service member and from a family of them that is a song that touches every single service member.
At Last a very romantic song.
You are doing a great job. So you pick it.
“Time in a bottle ” by Jim Croce or “Count on Me” by Bruno Mars (I was thinking of Josh singing this to Brandon)
I would like josh to sing a song with brandon or for his brothers but I would have you pick you do a wonderful job each time and each song I end up adding to my Ipod.
there is an irish ballad by christy moore called Ordinary Man that might be suit going by josh’s fathers believes
another song for josh to sing to cesar is Have I Told You Lately That I Love You an oldie but covered by many of the greats like Eddie Chocrane Jim Reeves and Elvis. check it out on wikipedia and see the list of cover versions
I think Josh should sing Closer by Jason Castro. I think he needs to sing something fun along with the emotional songs.
Any song he sings should and will be great
also a link to these songs on the home page would be great
can we hear the song young Brandon sung
Yes you can:
Performances at Andy Sr. & Gloria’s Wedding
“songbird” by Eva Cassidy – but honestly you are making great choices, keep up the great stories,
I do agree however, that I would prefer you kept it to Shadow of my Father , Jacob finds his way & I am really enjoying Praying for a Hail Mary. I would ask that you work on these 3 mostly, keeping to the main characters storiies, rather than going off in so much detail with the stories of extended family & friends 🙂
I don’t know about your other fans, but I wait for your next enstalment every weekend, hoping its 1 of the 3 stories & wondering what exciting thing will hapen next?? Please write faster 😉
Matt – Sydney Australia
Depends if Daniel or Carlos get their girlfriends pregnant. If so, Kenny Chesney’s There Goes my Life.
Is live to hear the Who’s Behind Blue Eyes or Kelly Clarkaons Behind these Hazel Eyes.
“Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis or “You’re The Inspiration” by Chicago