
Cast of Character’s For The Shadow Of My Father:

Main family:

Isaac Lopez

Rose Lopez

Isaac Lopez II

Daniel Lopez I

(6’1, 175 lbs., brown eyes, black hair, stocky build, 35 years old)

Martha Lopez

(5’6, 145 lbs., green eyes, black long hair, slender, 34 years old)

Daniel Lopez II

(5’9, 165 lbs., brown eyes, black hair, muscle build, 17 years old)

Carlos Lopez

(5’8, 163 lbs, light brown eyes, black hair, board shoulders, 16 years old)

Joshua Lopez

(6’0, 155 lbs, brown eyes, black hair, swimmers build, 14 years old)

Brandon Lopez

(5’4, 126 lbs, green eyes, dark brown hair, skinny frame, 13 years old)

(More family will be added as the story moves along)

Supporting Characters:

Eric Martinez

(5’8, 165 lbs., blue eyes, blonde hair, muscle build, 14 years old)

Chris Jimenez

(5’9, 160 lbs., green eyes, light brown hair, swimmers build, 14 years old)

Cesar Romero

Benjamin Tacked

Janet White

Patrick Petrillo

Frank Comacho

Sergio Jimenez

Bernice Gomez

Sergio Gomez

Elizabeth Salas

Coach Juan Montoya

Mrs. Nancy Montoya

Mr. Becker

Mr. Baker

Mrs. Jackson

Mr. Shredder

Mrs. Jacobs

Mr. Michaels

Mrs. Nunez

Mr. Edger

Mr. Franklin

Mr. Fields

Barbara Kindle

Leonard James

Rich Kewl

Kimberly McKnight

Governor Puckett

Isabella Carter




Mr. Ryland

Legislator’s in Austin:

Mickie Westrick

Sharon Mixson

Security Detail:

Lloyd Benedict





Jonathan Carter

(More Characters will be added as the story unfolds)

One Response to Cast:

  • Caleb says:

    I like the layout. The best part is something I thought I would not like,the narrative. The narrative is not as large as it is on the other two sites. But it is cleaner and easier to read. For those that need it, the size can be enlarged to 125%, though the 100% size is perfect for me to read.

    For the site to succeed,the chapters need to be placed here first. Presently, Tickie is first, then Nifty and then this site last. I’ll not wait to read it here if it is already posted somewhere else!

    Add the sentence on ages (At the beginning of the story and add more detail to the minor characters, the ages of the friends of Josh, what the teachers teach, etc.

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