Chris Jimenez

Chris was Josh’s first love. Although their relationship didn’t last, they managed to stay friends. Just like Eric, Chris became one of Josh’s best friends.

Before getting with Josh, Chris went through a personal hell of his own. His father was a mean drunk and blamed Chris in his wife’s death. While giving birth, Chris’ mother died. Then to make matters worse his dad knows Chris is gay.

It all came to a crashing end one evening when Chris’ dad took Chris out to the local Hooters. After eating, Chris’ dad lost his temper in the parking lot. In front of the other guests at Hooters, he started beating Chris. It only stopped when Chris was pushed into the truck and they sped out of the parking lot and ran the truck into a barrier on the freeway.

At that point the cops took Chris away from his father and eventually Coach Montoya, the guys’ swim team coach adopted Chris. Still with his father out to make trouble, Chris has to keep his eye out for trouble.

With help from Josh and Cesar, Chris met a new boyfriend, Rusty. The relationship was being built and looked like it was going the right direction until the night of the Governor’s wedding. After that night, they broke up. After that Chris stayed single, but did try at love several more times.

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