Joshua Lopez

As the story opens, Josh is a freshman.  Not being sure how his family would react to him being gay, he kept it a secret . He dated several girls, before coming out to his father and family.

When he did come out, his two older brothers and mother didn’t take the news well. His mother treated him like a dog and his two older brothers followed her lead. Although his mother never came around, Daniel Jr. and Carlos did. Brandon, the youngest of the brothers, was the only one that supported Josh when no one else would.

He has a beautiful voice, which got him into the Glee Club. The Glee Club was winning every meet they were competing in and they were even invited to sing at Josh’s father’s swearing-in. Soon after that, the Glee Club voted Josh out of the position as soloist. Having no recourse he left Glee Club and joined the Show Chorus.

Josh also is a very good swimmer and got on the school swim team. Although his father wanted him on the football team, he was able to stay on the swim team.

After breaking it off with his girlfriend Elizabeth when he came out, Josh didn’t have a day of rest. Between his mother trying to kill him, place him in a brain washing camp or Elizabeth causing him trouble at school and out of school, Josh had to always be watching his back.

Then one Saturday evening, the hell he was living in dealing with Elizabeth came to a crashing stop. Two teenagers lost their lives and Josh didn’t look at life the same way again.

When his mother got arrested and sentenced, Josh was able to have a peaceful life.

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