Rich Kewl

Rich came on board to help run Daniel Lopez’s first run for governor for the state of Texas. Knowing he had an up hill climb with Daniel to win the seat since Daniel has never held political office before, going through a break up that led to a divorce, having a gay son and unwillingness to be a yes sir no sir to the Republican Party base. But they won the governorship in a land side victory.

After winning, Rich thought his job was done, but it wasn’t. Now governor-elect Lopez asked him to be his chief-of-staff, and he accepted. I loved the way Daniel is and believes in him that he will make real change for the small people, not the rich and special interest.

When Daniel asked Rich to be his right hand man, he didn’t know that Rich was gay.  The day Rich came out to the governor, he didn’t think any different of Rich. In fact it made the two of them even closer since there was no secrets between them.

Learning how to be chief-of-staff, Rich makes a few mistakes, but he works through them and doesn’t make them again. He helps the governor push through several third rail bills and other bills that changed not only the face of Texas, but the Untied States. Many other states followed right behind Texas as they signed in these third rail bills.

Rich stayed with Daniel although his governorship and went with him to Washington. They worked together to change a lot of laws that made more sense to the people of the state of Texas and United States as well.

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