Chapter 17


Chapter 17


After I got Josh’s head out of the clouds, he started talking and getting involved with us. I know what is on his mind. I am going to do everything possible to get him to stop thinking about Chris if it kills me.

I felt even better when I saw Josh pull Cesar off the side. It looks like my plan is working. Josh needs Cesar in order to get his mind off Chris. I hold hope that Cesar and Josh become an item and their relationship lasts a long time. I just have a gut feeling that this is a true love matchup.

I couldn’t believe Patrick threw a pebble at me. I looked over at him the way Josh looked at me when I accidently caused him to hit his head on the table.

“Why did you do that for, Patrick? I am listening to what you guys are saying. It’s just that nothing being said that interests me at the moment.”

“Come Eric you were in the clouds like Josh was earlier. What’s up with you two today? Josh has an excuse for not being here. He just got back a couple of days ago. The dude has to be tired, but you; come on.”

I laughed at the face Patrick made as he talked to me. Just then I caught Chris in the corner of my eye. He actually came out of the building. The guy looks like he is on a mission. I couldn’t help but see him scanning everyone here. I really hope he isn’t going to do what I think he is going to do.

Just as fast as Chris appeared he disappeared around the building. The son-of-bitch is actually going to do what I think he is going to do. He is looking for Josh right now. He saw he wasn’t out here, so he is going to go and look for him. Please not now! Not the very moment it looks like Josh is getting on with his life!

“Hey guys, I just saw Chris out here scanning our group. The dude looks like he is looking for Josh. We need to find Josh before he does or at least stop him from getting to Josh.”

Patrick and Billy almost at the same time spoke up. Almost the same words. These guys have done this several times already. They could actually be twins or at least related.

“Who cares if Chris is looking for Josh? Maybe that is what they both need. I am tired of seeing Josh mope around here every day. He is not the same without Chris by his side. I hope those two work things out” Patrick said in exasperation.

“Come on don’t you see it Patrick and Billy? Eric and I see it. Chris wants his cake and eat too. He didn’t want to go through the hard times with…. Fuck it! I am not going to keep explaining this.

I don’t want to see Josh hurt again. Come on Eric let’s go and find either Chris or Josh. We need to make sure Chris doesn’t get chance to break Josh’s heart again. It will happen if he finds Josh,” Bernice stated with total determination.

“Wait you guys we’re sorry. Let us go with you,” Patrick said speaking for himself and Billy.

Both Bernice and I looked at the other two. We just shrugged our shoulders and walked off. They followed right behind us not saying a word. I agree with what Bernice said to Patrick and Billy.

I am tired of saying the same thing over and over again. It is getting old and putting me to sleep now. It is time for Chris to go away for good. He fucked up and now he needs to leave Josh alone to get on with his life.

We looked where normally Josh hangs out when something heavy is on his mind like after what happen with his mom that time. I know he has other places he goes to and we don’t know about them. If you could remember those few days after he came out to his dad, Josh hid somewhere here in the school where we couldn’t find him.

“Look you guys, Josh sometimes goes to the side of the building where the buses park. We haven’t looked there yet,” Bernice said still with determination in her voice.

We all agreed with Bernice and started to make our way over there. As we turned the corner, we were too late. Chris was already making his way over to Josh and Cesar. At first I didn’t understand what he was yelling, and then I understood him.


Cesar called to my attention to a car that has been around ever since I came back to school. I didn’t think anything bad about it until now. It feels very weird seeing two grown men sitting in a car across the street from high school.

Before heading over to find out who they are. I tried to apologize to Cesar for all of this. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all; in fact, he is being pretty cool about it all. He actually put me at ease while I was trying to put him at ease.

“Don’t worry at all Josh. Look I asked around about you when I first saw you. They all said your dad is high up there in the military. Now he is the Governor Elect of Texas. I know what I am getting into, so don’t worry.”

Cesar followed me across the street. I needed to know who these guys are. If they are here to take pictures or get gossip I am going to give them a piece of my mind.

We reached the car and I started knocking on the window. Before they could roll down the window or say anything, I heard someone yelling. I looked and saw it is Chris yelling and coming towards us.

That is when I saw Eric, Bernice and the guys come around the building. What in the hell is going on here? What if Cesar and I were making out or something over here? I figure this isn’t a hiding place anymore. Everyone in the group knows I come here.

I looked back over to Chris. He started to run towards me and Cesar. Still yelling words I can’t make out. What in the world is this guy saying? Before I knew it, the guys in the car jumped out and started running at Chris.

They were so fast. They had Chris on the ground with guns pointed at him. I got my answer as to who these guys are. It kind of freaks me at having people around me ready at a moments notice to tackle a person that is coming at me.

Cesar and I started walking over to where Chris is being held. One guy stayed over Chris and the other came over to me. Before I could say a word, the guy that walked over to me started to talk.

“Look Josh we have been signed as your protection detail. Your father asked us not to be seen. We blew that when you two spotted us. We are only here to ensure your safety.”

“Well I have several questions, but first, the guy you have pinned to the road isn’t going to kill me. He is actually my ex. Yeah, sometimes ex’s want to kill their ex’s, but not him. I think he just wants to talk.”

The guy radioed over to his partner. Within seconds after his partner confirmed what he heard on the radio. He let Chris get up and pulled him to the side of the building. By then several group of kids started to gather around. Now I am getting embarrassed even more.

“Look I am sorry for coming at you, sir. We just noticed the same car being around a lot and I wasn’t told that I had a protection detail. Do my brothers have a detail as well or are you guys a detail for all of us?” I inquired.

“Josh, each of you are assigned a two-person detail. The only time you should really see us is if you are out and about in public. As far as school is concerned, we spoke with the school district and the principal about helping us out.”

“Ok, but you guys are here now. What is up with that?”

“You need to speak with your father about that. We can’t tell you anything more than what we have. Trust me Josh you guys have nothing to worry about. It is normal for a Governor and his family to get a protection detail.  The only difference here is that our newly elected Governor has teenage kids.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at what he said, but he is right. If you look at most Governors, Senators, even Presidents, it looks like they are about to kick the bucket. They are so old more money is spent on doctors on stand by then spent on the National Debt.

When I heard the other guard talking to Chris, it reminded me that he is there. I walked over to where Chris is standing with the other guard. I looked at the poor guy. I am pretty sure all this dirt and scratches is from the tackle he just got from the guard.

Before I could say anything Coach Montoya came busting through. He looks steaming mad. I haven’t seen him this mad before.

“What the hell Josh? I understand you and Chris are not getting along, but to do this to him. Look I don’t want you near Chris from now on. Is that understood? Josh look at me and answer me. Do you understand what I just told you?” Coach ranted.

I didn’t bother to answer the Coach directly. He doesn’t even know what is going on here. He is just ready to assume Chris and I got into it. Fuck that. I am not going to let him assume the worst of me. I turned to the detail agent holding Chris and spoke; “You can let him be. He wasn’t trying to do any harm to me. Just like I told your partner, he is my ex. Although we didn’t break up under good circumstances, I don’t think he is going to hurt me in any way. Just let him go with his father.”

“That’s fine with us Josh but we will need to warn him and his father before hand.”

They looked at Chris and Coach Montoya. “If you ever come around the corner like you did today, trust me when I say this young man, not only will we assume the worst, we will take you into custody. Our first priority is the protection of the Governor’s family. We won’t question when we see a threat. We will act first.

Now do you understand me son? If you want to speak to your ex, you will walk up to him in a non threatening manner. If you do that, you won’t have any problems with us. As of now we will be keeping a watchful eye on you.”

“Who do you two think you are? This is my son and you have no right speaking to him like that. If these two have a problem, let them work it out among themselves. There is no need for you to get involved,” Coach said, still very hot under the collar.

“Coach Montoya, I hope I got that right, you came over and assumed the worse of Josh here. It was neither of the two’s fault. We are here to make sure no harm comes to the Governor’s children. We saw this young man come running around the building yelling something at Josh here.

We make sure there is no threat at any cost. After that we investigate what is going on. If we sit and wait, those we are in charge to protect could get hurt, abducted or murdered. We are not saying your son was trying to hurt Josh. We just didn’t know that at the time.”

“Look Coach Montoya and you two, let’s leave it alone. I promise to stay away from Chris and he stays away from me. That way there isn’t anymore mix ups. If we both do this, nothing like this will happen again,” I offered in mediation.

The security detail agreed and Coach Montoya just grunted pulling Chris away. One thing the Coach thinks is that he has is the ability to put fear into students. Now that I don’t need to deal with the Coach any longer, he doesn’t hold that kind of power over me.

Cesar and I walked towards Eric and the others. We had to push our way through the crowd that gathered to see what is going on. One thing I need to get used to is how my life is going to change. It is going to change without a doubt.


I decided in all fairness to hold all my meetings dealing with the Governorship out of my office on the base. That office is for the Commanding General of the base. It is not for elected officials about to take office.

I rented a floor in an office building downtown. It got nicknamed “the power floor”. Don’t ask me what it means. The staffers that stayed over from the election campaign named it. Since they are volunteering their time, I am not going to give them grief about the nick name of the floor. To me it is my campaign headquarters.

President Bush already pushed my paper work through to move me into the Reserves for my remaining year. I only have a little over a month of active duty. By then I am to be moved out of my office on the base. I will be handing over command to the person who is replacing me.

Today I am going to be spending the entire day at my downtown office. I need to fill several Cabinet posts. This is something new to me. I spoke to the President and others in politics to learn how to go about it. They gave me very good advice.

My first meeting is of course with my campaign manager Rich Stewart. He is getting ready to return back home to Wyoming. I have other ideas. I am hoping to keep him around not only through the months leading up to inauguration, but far after. I want him to come aboard as my right hand man in Austin.

As I walked into the office Rich greeted me as I walked off the elevator. I don’t know how he does it. He’s always in a chipper mood not matter how much sleep he gets or doesn’t get. I just figure he used to it because all the campaigns he has run.

“General it is good to see you this morning. We have a lot to cover. You need to start picking your staff. I am pretty sure most, if not all of the outgoing Governor’s staff isn’t going to stay on with you. Just their beliefs are not with your on the way to run this state.”

I looked at Rich and smiled. Man, can this guy talk the ears off a jack ass, I thought as a grin crept across my face. I agree we need to get on selection of the staff, but isn’t like it needs to be approved by the State Legislature.

“Let me get a cup of coffee and we can talk about it in my office. I haven’t even seen my office here. By any chance do you know where my office is, Rich?”

Rich point to the end of the hall. As we walked everyone got up clapping. It shouldn’t be a surprise to me how happy these guys are. They worked for free for months getting the word out and getting me elected. They deserve to celebrate still. Their hard work really paid off.

I followed Rich to my office. Sitting at a desk in front of my office is a young lady volunteer. She looks be in her mid twenties. It kind of feels weird having such a young lady as my secretary. Rich asked her to get us coffee as soon as possible.

We walked into the office. I was impressed that it is already set up. This office is almost the size of my living room, kitchen and den put together. I couldn’t believe the size of it. I wondered where all the furniture came from. I would have been fine with folding tables and chairs.

“Rich I think one thing we need to talk about is who sits out there. I know everyone that works in this office has to be a volunteer, but I really would feel more comfortable if I have someone I trust and know that won’t leak out what we ask or discuss in here.”

The young lady knocked on the door and walked in with our coffee. Just like Rich, she is chipper. Damn I am thinking she might be Rich’s sister or something. She put down the tray and left the office.

“Look Daniel you are the boss. If you want someone else out there, I will make it happen. Not everyone in this office needs to be a volunteer just as long as the person you start to pay comes out of the money left over from the campaign.”

“That is fine I would like to take care of that part. I want to hire my secretary that I have worked with for years. I think I can talk her into not only coming with me here, but as well to the Governor’s Office.”

“That is fine Daniel; again it is your office. You need to be able to work with whoever is going to be that close to you,” Rich said without reservation.

Rich poured a cup of coffee for each of us.  I put sugar and cream in mine to my taste. As we sat down on the couches Rich pulled out several files from his briefcase. He is ready to get down to business. That is what I like about the guy.

“Ok Daniel we need to pick first is your Chief-Of-Staff. This person needs to be the one you can trust with anything and everything. Since it is the Governorship of Texas, that person really doesn’t need to know much about the military. You take care of that part. So I….”

I interrupted, “Rich I see you have several files there for me to look at, but I have already decided who I want as my Chief-Of-Staff. The only question is if this person will be willing to come aboard to serve the Governor of Texas. How would you ask this person to do so?”

“Well Daniel what I would do pretty much from the beginning is tell this person he or she is being asked to serve at the pleasure of the Governor. There shouldn’t be much more you need to say to this person. Anyone should be honored and willing to serve.”

“Thank you for giving me the same advice I have been getting from everyone else I have asked. So Rich, I want you to come aboard and serve as my Chief-Of-Staff. Before you say anything, let me say this: You and I see eye to eye on many of the issues. On the other issues we don’t see eye to eye, you give me a run for my money when we discuss things. I know after we talk, no matter what I decide on an issue, it will be the right decision.  In the end, I will decide what is right even if it is against my own beliefs and I will make the decision. You can never quash that hunger you have to tell me when I am wrong or settle me down when needed.

Of course we will do these things in private. We can’t have others see us argue or debate. They might think you are trying to undermine me. To anyone else’s eyes, we have to be seen as totally unified. Now Rich, take the advice you just gave me. Say yes because the Governor is asking you to serve.”

Rich looked dumbfounded for just a couple seconds. He smiled and put the files back into his brief case.

“Governor Lopez, I would be honored to be your Chief-Of-Staff. It looks like I stuck my foot in my mouth. You have gotten to know me over the months. I normally wouldn’t fall for something so obvious.”

“Good that part is settled then. Now what I need to happen….”

Rich and I talked the rest of the morning about staff positions. I explained to him I trust his decision making abilities. He is to bring me the top three people he thinks that fit each position. From there he and I will decide who is going to fill the positions.

I need to keep Rich on my side not only because I trust him, but he knows how to win races and I am going to have to run for this position again in four years. I can’t afford to have him working on another campaign when I run.

I need someone that sets me straight when I start going off the deep end. Rich and I have gotten to know each others works. He knows now how to reel me in when I start to go off the deep end.

I spent my afternoon on the base. I needed to speak with Barbara. Just like before, I won’t speak about my position in the office of the Commanding General. It shows disrespect not only to the office, but to me and those who follow me.

So I took Barbara out to eat for a late lunch. I called over to make sure she didn’t eat before I got there. After doing the small talk, I went right into the reason I asked her to lunch. She just sat there and listened to me as I spoke.

Not only did I ask her to come with me during the months leading up to the inauguration, but to be my personal assistant in Austin. Once I finished she sat there thinking about the offer I just made her.

The only question she had is the question of pay. I gave her the pay that is paid for that position. I promised her I will pay her the same the month before taking the job. That is when she agreed to take it.

After that part was done we talked about when she could move over. Two weeks notice needs to be given. That way she can get paid all the vacation and sick leave she hasn’t used up. That means for the next two weeks I will have to deal with the volunteer in my office.

After lunch we headed back to the office. On our way back Barbara surprised me once again.

“General let me do this. I will start working for you on Wednesday of next week. Give my two weeks notice today, but serve them with some of the vacation time. They will have to pay me the other time though. If you agree, put me on your payroll as of Wednesday of next week.”

“You are one smart lady Barbara. You have a deal. Because you are going to work for me I have to step aside approving your leave though. When asked if it is ok for you to take it, I won’t object to it.”

Once we agreed on everything, we walked back to the office. The remaining part of the afternoon I spent pretty much packing up my base office. I still have a month left, but most if not all my duties have been handed over to other departments.

I raced home in order to get there in time for dinner. Just as I walked in my mother finished calling the kids for dinner. I almost got trampled by the boys as they came running down the stairs.

During dinner I couldn’t help but look at each of the boys around the table, listening to them talk about their day at school and how much they enjoy their school and friends. I couldn’t help but think how much I want them to come with me, but I want them to live normal lives as much as possible. In order for that to happen, they need to stay here.

I noticed Josh wasn’t talking much. That kid thinks too much into everything. At times that can be a curse.  I know he found out about the detail he is stuck with. I am more worried for him than the other boys.

He doesn’t know this, but ever since that interview, he has been getting death threats. My campaign office has been getting calls and letters from sicko’s. They want to rid this earth from what they call the scum like my son. I am going to do everything in my power to protect him. Now that I am Governor, I won’t put my childrens’ lives in danger.


I can’t believe how embarrassed I am. Now Coach is pulling me away through the crowd of students is making it worse. We didn’t say a word as we walked to his office. That all changed once he shut the door to his office.

“Chris what were you thinking about son? You should have known that Josh is going to have a protection detail. His father is the Governor of Texas now. Come on Chris, you are smarter then that.”

I sat there in the seat shifting from one side to the other. Barely holding myself together as Juan is talking to me. That is the problem, I didn’t think. I want to be by Josh’s side so bad, nothing else crossed my mind.

“Chris, son, Chris look at me please. I know you are hurting right now. You not only miss being with Josh, but with the others. I never questioned you when you stopped speaking to Josh and the others. I won’t do it now. But you can’t think you can just come back and everything is going to be the same as it was.”

Juan’s words went straight to through me. I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I started to cry. I know Juan is right and I know I can’t think everything is going to be the same. I just wish I had a chance to get Josh back.

I looked up at the Coach with tears rolling down my face. “I know, um, um, I know you are right here. I…” I wiped the tears from my eyes. “I just miss Josh is all, um. Um, I miss him so much I can’t stand it anymore.”

“Look Chris, it is going to get better. Just give it some time. Wait a day or so and then walk and I mean walk, up to Josh and talk to him. Let him know what you are thinking, don’t hold back. That is the only way you are going to be able to know you did everything possible.”

Juan is right about talking to Josh. I need to tell him everything. I can’t go up running at him like I did. It will freak him out and it will hurt any chances I might have getting Josh back again.

Juan let me stay in his office until I got control of myself. Once I did, I headed off to class. I walked into fourth period just as the tardy bell rang. I took my seat thinking about how I am going to handle Cesar.

By the end of last period I still didn’t have the answer. All I know is that Cesar is in Josh’s life now. I need to respect that, but at the same time show Josh how much I love him. I hope our past will win him back to me.

Once the bell rang ending the day I went to my locker. On my way I couldn’t believe who is standing in front of it. It was going to happen sometime, so why not today.

Cesar cut right to the point; “Chris, you and I need to talk. We can’t afford for another incident like today to happen again. We need to talk and get everything in the open.”

“You are right Cesar, we need to talk. So why don’t you start?”

“Look I know you are still in love with Josh. You have to understand Chris I respected you and him. I liked Josh from the first day of school. You beat me to him and I hated it, but I left it alone. You two were together and I had to live with it.

I am not going to try and figure out why you did what you did. All I could figure why you would let go of such a good person is that you are afraid. Afraid of what, I don’t know. In our lives we have a lot to be afraid of everyday. But you LET GO of him.

I waited here on the side lines. I didn’t move in on him because he was yours. Now he is a free man. I want to try and see if I can make a go of it with him. That won’t work if you keep running up to him anytime you have the urge,” Cesar said in a calm, caring, yet firm way.

“You’re right. I am the one that let go of him. I was wrong doing so. I did freak out with what had happened at the pool that day. I didn’t want that to happen to me. I know Elizabeth wasn’t going to come up to me and slap me around but that doesn’t mean that guys were going to hold back from doing so,” I said in complete honesty.

“Chris we have to worry about that everyday of our lives. Fuck man, we are gay and there are people hate that about us. I don’t want to be fighting with one of my own, not when we need to come together. There aren’t many of us that are willing to be open so those that are can’t afford to be at war with each other,” Cesar said and what he said made lots of sense to me.

“So what do you want to do about this then Cesar?” I asked not knowing where this might be headed.

“Chris I can see it in your eyes that you are still madly in love with Josh. I don’t want to stand in the way of true love. If this is true love, no matter what gets thrown at you both, you two will get back together again. The one thing to remember is, it has to be a two way street, Chris.

Just give him a chance to figure it out. Please, just give him and me a chance. I don’t want to keep rubbing it in, but your actions put you where you are today. You gave Josh no explanation or choices. You made the decision for both of you without his input.

If, in time, I see that he is in love with you and not me, I will step aside. I don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t love me totally and without reservation.

Still let me find out if he can love me. I know you don’t want to hear this or even do it. If you keep doing what you did today, it will result in the opposite of what you want. If he truly loves you, he will go back to you and I won’t stand in the way of it.”

I couldn’t believe what Cesar is proposing. He is the one getting the shitty end of the stick he doesn’t deserve. Josh and I have been through a lot already in the short period of time we were together. This might be the right way to have some chance to get back with Josh.

Cesar continued; “Chris, I will even try talking to the others to let you sit with them. You were friends with them way before I came along. No matter what, those friends you should be able to keep. I am willing to talk with the guys and Bernice on your behalf. You have to realize that their reactions to you now are because they see your actions with Josh they saw as hurtful. They are rallying behind Josh. This may take some time and patience to resolve.

You are in a win-win situation here. I am the one that can lose everything on this. If I was anyone else, they would probably be threatening you right now to protect their own interests. I am not like that. Let’s try and be friends and see where this thing with Josh goes,” Cesar concluded.

“You would do all that for me knowing what you just said that you have more to lose than I have? In fact, the chances of me losing are less knowing that you will go along with this,” I said realizing that Cesar is a truly honorable and fair guy.

“Yes I am willing to go along with this. I might be shooting myself in the foot here, but I need to believe in the basic good in people. You have to promise not to interfere with me and Josh. If you do, the deal is off. I might lose, but I will go down fighting,” Cesar added with candor and in total fairness.

I made the deal with Cesar. I don’t think he is going to be able to get me back at the table, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Eric and Bernice are going to be the ones that Cesar is going to have to win over. Patrick and Billy will follow whatever those two do.

Once Cesar and I parted ways I felt pretty good. In fact I felt I lot better than I have in a long while. If Josh can see me across from him day in and day out, I will get him back. I don’t need to speak a word to him. I will get him back because I know he still loves me.


I needed to rush home after school in order to get ready. I always hate planning things with little time between other things. What I mean is that my parents won’t be home until ten tonight, so it doesn’t leave much time left for me to be alone.

The minute I ran through the door, I started stripping. I left a trail of clothes from the front door to my room. In a hurry I grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom. Within minutes I jumped in and back out of the shower.

Once I dried myself off, I walked into my closet. I laid out the clothes I planned to wear tonight. I made the choices of clothes the night before. I am bad when it comes to deciding what to wear. It takes me several attempts of trying on this and trying on that before settling on the clothes. I’m so indecisive, I think my mirror gets bored and frustrated with me by the time I settle on what is just right.

Just as I splashed on some cologne, the door bell rang. I can’t believe how prompt my date is. He has always been this way, whereas I am late getting everywhere. By the second knock on the door I opened it.

“Hello Frank, please come on in please!”

Oh yeah you may be lost here. You don’t have to worry. What I mean by that is that you didn’t misunderstand what was said. As far as our friends at school are concerned about me and Frank, we are no longer friends.

Let me explain what is going on here. After hearing what happened with Jake at the pool. Frank and I decided to we didn’t want to end up like him. Neither of us went out with a girl before getting together, but seeing the backlash Josh got afterward, we don’t want to be on the receiving end of that stick.

Josh lost his standing in the swim team His fellow teammates actually told the Coach it is either them or Josh. They can’t swim with a fag, basically. Josh was shunned all over school once everyone heard it was him that caused our school to end the season early. It really wasn’t Josh, but Coach that called an end to the season, but that fact seemed to be lost on everyone.

Then he lost Chris in the aftermath of it all. Chris couldn’t handle it all so Coach pulled him out of the school. Josh lost a lot when Elizabeth pulled that stunt of hers. Who knows if she planned it that way, but it happened just the same.

A couple of days later Frank and I discussed all of it. We were concerned about what we would do if it got out that he and I are going out. We both agreed the pressure of being secretive alone is hard enough to handle. Then to possibly be shunned and worry about looking over our shoulders all the time would be hell on earth. So we decided on a game plan.

At first we wanted to get into an argument at school for all to see. But we thought that would be over the top. So we decided to begin with little fights, and then one day I tell the Bernice and the guys Frank and I are longer friends.

In order to pull it off, I had to act all hurt. That wasn’t hard at all to do. After all Josh is showing me how to do it. All I needed to do is take it down a couple of notches. After all I only lost a friend where Josh lost his boyfriend in the scenario we were planning.

To my surprise it worked as planned. Everyone believed it actually happened. The only problem we had afterwards is getting together. We couldn’t get caught talking at school. We couldn’t be seen together at school or in public. That limited us about where we could go when we do get a chance to be together.

Tonight is a perfect night for us. Frank and I can snuggle and I hope have sex. I can’t stand being away from him as much as we have been lately. He has told me the same thing. But again we both agreed it had to be done in order to not end up like Josh.

So there it is the long and short of it. Now Frank and I decided to get together tonight because my mom and dad are out for the evening.

Frank and I didn’t even make it to the couch. He must have read my mind. I just collected the trail of clothes I left when I first got home. Now Frank and I are leaving another trail of clothes leading to my room.

I couldn’t keep my hands off of him the whole way to the bedroom. Once we made it to my room, I pushed Frank onto the bed. I followed landing onto his chest. Our lips locked together a like the pieces of a puzzle. We are perfect together.

Frank flipped me to my back and started kissing my neck. He made his way over to my left ear. He started licking it and then he picked up my ear lube with his tongue. I love it when he sucks on my ear lubes. It just makes me even hornier.

I didn’t want to reach climax before Frank could get down to my dick. So I flipped him back over on his back. I started kissing my way down his neck. We already removed his shirt and pants on the way up. That means I have easier access to what I want.

At the moment I want Frank’s chest. After spending a few minutes sucking on each nipple, I started making my way to his belly button.  Frank lifted his butt off the bed assisting me getting his boxers off and setting his manhood free. What a sight his turgid cock presented. His edible love eggs hung in their sack inviting touches and licks.

Frank had freed me of my boxer briefs. I helped him by making sure to lift my hips. Once the underwear was down to my knees, I helped more, kicking them off and away.

We were in the classic 69 position. Frank was lavishing attention on my man parts almost matching what I was doing to his. I spread my legs wide inviting his touches to go back to my most private of places. As he and I sucked each other’s cock, Frank was gently massaging my rosebud, sending shivers of delight thorough my entire body. I know what he wants to have happen and I want the same thing even more than he does. We are of one mind about where this is going.

In the time that Frank and I have been going out together, I have gotten to know him. I know when he is getting close to shooting. Right now Frank is getting close to climax.

I let Frank’s hard dick slip out of my mouth and I got up. I went over to my dresser to get the lube and condoms. Although we are an item, we agreed to be safe. I know, I know, we can’t have babies. We trust each other, but it is what we decided.

Without saying a word to each other, I got Frank ready. After taking the condom out of the package, I put it on him. Then I lubed his dick and then my butt. Frank didn’t have to lift a finger. I am doing all the work right now.

I want to ride him. So I get on the bed and straddled him. Slowly I lowered myself on top of his dick. Once his dick penetrated my ring, I slowly eased the rest of it in. Inch at a time until his love pole is totally inside me.

Once I had Frank inside me all the way. I relaxed for a minute or two. I needed to adjust having Franks huge dick in me. It has been awhile since Frank has been inside me after all. I love him, but we don’t have sex every time we are together no matter how much I want to jump his bones whenever I see him.

Once I adjusted to having Frank in me I started to ride him. Slow at first, and then I picked up speed. As I picked up speed, Frank wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me into his chest then, without losing our connection, he rolled us over so he was on top.

I pulled my legs up and spread them wide to give Frank the ability to go as deep as possible. Frank leaned down and kissed me as he started long stroking my love tunnel. In this position, each plunge ran his cockhead across my love nut sending high voltage charges through my entire body and being.

“Oh gawd, Frank, you’re doing it to me…go harder and deeper….fuck me HARD!”

My entire body was shuddering with each deep stroke and my cock was pulsing every time my hot spot was hit. I started yelling out Franks name as he pounded my ass really hard. Frank lowered his body more onto mine. My dick is hard as a rock and oozing lots of pre cum. It was rubbing between our stomachs feeling wonderful with the pre cum lube. Each time he hits my prostate makes me go crazy. Frank knows that and that is why he is fucking me this damn hard and hey, I begged him to!

“Frank you are going to make me cum if you don’t slow down man. Frank please slow down, Frank you are, Frank, Frank…..”

The words that were now coming out of my mouth I couldn’t understand. I am in the heat of the moment I don’t care what I am saying. Frank is driving me to the point of no return.

All it took for me to cum all over myself and Frank was a couple more hard hits against my prostrate. Shot after shot of my hot cum covered both our stomachs.

As I started to cum, my love ring and chute clamped down tighter onto Franks dick. That is all it took for Frank to hit his climax. Frank let go of me and started to cum in my ass. I could feel the pulses of his cock as it filled the condom. As his orgasm subsided, he collapsed on top of me, both of us still panting like dogs in hundred degree heat. Not a word was said as we both slowly came back to reality and our vital signs began to normalize.

I could feel his cock, like mine, softening. As his cock softened, it slipped naturally out of me leaving me feeling empty yet oh so satisfied and happy. Frank removed the condom and went and flushed the evidence of our passion.  He returned from the bathroom with a warm wet wash cloth and tenderly cleaned me up. He had evidently taken care of himself in the bathroom. His touch was so warm and loving. It was as though he was still making love to me.

Frank rolled on top of me and pulled me into a warm embrace. He kissed me in a warm, loving fashion. “Patrick if you don’t know by now, let me make it clear to you. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I have said this many times to you, and each time I meant it.”

I didn’t even have time to respond to Frank. He leaned into me until our lips locked again. We held one another and kissed. Frank and I have learned how to keep our lips locked together and breathe at the same time. That way the kiss never has to end. At least until we decide when to end it.

Finally Frank rolled off of me. When he did I felt naked and cold. Well, I AM naked and it is November. That explains that then. Anyways I love Frank’s body heat as he lays on top of me. We kept each other warm.

I turned and looked at the clock. I couldn’t believe we were making love for over three hours. I thought at the most maybe an hour, not three. I jumped up, grabbing Frank. I pulled him with me to the bathroom.

We showered together as quickly as possible. While we dried off, Frank and I ran from my room back to the front door picking up our clothes. I love the way Frank’s butt cheeks jiggle as he walks around. They are not fat, but they jiggle still the same. There’s lots of muscle inside those bubble butt cheeks.

Just as Frank pulled his shirt over his head, my parents walked in. I already had the television on by then as well. Frank sat down as my parents walking into the den.

“Hey guys, we thought you were up in your room son. When we drove up there were no lights on downstairs.”

“Dad these lights were on. You need to get your eyes checked. You need them for your job in order to be safe there.”

“Well you right on the second part. Any how I might be mistaken. You and Frank can stay up as late as you want since it is Friday. Just don’t get loud. Your mom and I have to get up early in the morning to get to work.”

“You got it dad. We won’t make that much noise. I promise to keep the television down low. Goodnight mom and dad. I love you two.”

As they made their way to their room they said goodnight to me and Frank. As they shut their door, they yelled out that they loved me as well. I looked over at Frank and started to giggle like a school girl. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack or stroke!

“It’s cool Frank. We made it just in time. Look your shirt is on the wrong way man. You are lucky they didn’t walk all the way in the room. They would either think you are to dumb that you can’t dress yourself or it is a new style we are wearing now.”

I started to laugh harder than the giggles I had going earlier. Finally Frank started to laugh. His breathing came down to almost normal. He stopped sweating as he leaned back into the couch. We spent the rest of the night watching movies from pay-per-view. We didn’t head to bed until after three.

Although I would love Frank sleeping with me, we didn’t take any chances. We took turns with who would sleep in the sleeping bag on the floor. This time it is Frank’s turn. We kissed a while and then went to bed. My thoughts were of Frank’s telling me of his love. I really want to feel Frank’s man juice pump into my body. We have to talk about taking that step.

I couldn’t help but look at Frank as I fell into sleep. I wanted to dream about him the whole night. I hoped by burning his image into my mind it will happen.


After we finished eating I helped grandma clear the table. Poor lady she cooks for us and cleans up afterword. At least we can clear off our plates and put them in the dishwasher for her. That isn’t hard to do.

On my way up to my room my dad stopped me. He asked me to follow him to the study. I thought I was in trouble because what had happened earlier in the day. The protection detail had to have told my father by now.

“Josh I know there is something bothering you right now. I had hoped you could come to me and talk to me about it. Please Josh tell me what it is and I might be able to help.”

“You mean the security hasn’t told you yet?”

“Told me what Josh? How do you know about the security detail by the way? I told them to protect you but not make it obvious. I want you guys to have as much regular life as possible. Still you need the detail because of who I am now.”

“Dad I would figure the security detail would have reported what had happened this afternoon to you already. After all they actually work for you.”

“Josh they work for my office because again because of my new job. When I was told that you boys are going to get security detail, I wasn’t too comfortable with that. You guys need to have regular teen years, not to have babysitters following you around with guns.

So, I had a meeting with the details that were being assigned to you guys. I left standing orders to protect you guys because that is why they are being paid. I don’t want to get reports from them on daily basis about what you guys did every minute of the day. I trust you kids that you are making the right decisions.

That means the only time that the security detail ever reports back to me is if your life is threatened. If it is a teenage thing, someone playing a teenage prank or anything like that I don’t want to hear about it. Again they are only there to make sure you guys are safe. Nothing more then that, I promise Josh.”

“I am sorry dad I thought they reported everything back to you. Something happened at school that got them involved.”

“Please Josh tell me what it was. I won’t be mad with you. It must not have been bad because the security detail didn’t report it.”

“Well dad, I was talking to this guy on the side of the building during lunch. All of a sudden Chris came running up the street yelling something I couldn’t understand. The security detail rushed out of their car and tackled Chris to the ground.”

My dad started to laugh when I told him. Why is he laughing about what I just said? I don’t think it is funny. Poor Chris got tackled to hard pavement of the road. It had to hurt when he went head first into the street.

“Sorry Josh I don’t mean to laugh. I wish I was there to see that. He hurt my son really bad. He broke your heart. I wish I could have tossed him to the ground for doing that to you. Isn’t karma a bitch?”

I looked at my dad, karma? At first I didn’t understand what he meant by that. Then it hit me like a pile of bricks. He got back some of what he did to me.

“Now tell me Josh about this boy you were talking to. Do you think you two might become an item? Oh wait is he gay first? I know you might not be ready to tell me these things, but I hope you will.”

“Dad, don’t worry. I am ready to talk to you about everything. Yeah he is gay and he likes me. He told me he liked me form the first time he saw me. That was the first day of school. I like him as well dad.

His name his Cesar, same grade as I am in at school! He is maybe an inch taller then me. But I like his baby blue eyes and blonde hair. He’s white and very cute and also he…..”

I sat there telling my dad everything. What we talked about to what we decided on. My dad sat there in his seat listening to me. His face never changed from caring and loving. He just sat there listening to me.

“Josh you should give Cesar a chance. You can go out with him whenever you want. Just be sure you tell your grandmother where you are going and you get home when you are supposed to. Oh also you both need to understand where ever you go, that security detail will go as well. Don’t try to ditch them at anytime. If you do, you will be in trouble.”

“I promise dad I won’t try to ditch them. I understand why they are there. But thank you dad so much for letting me go out with him. Thank, thank you dad so much.”

“Anytime Josh! Just promise me in the future son that you don’t over think these things. Just come and ask me for permission. Trust me I will be fair about anything you want to ask. If you keep doing this to yourself, over thinking things, you will lose all your hair!”

My dad started to laugh once again. He seems to be in a better mood since he and my mom divorced. There must have been a lot going on in the back ground that we didn’t know about. I am starting to think it wasn’t just my situation that caused the divorce.

When I walked out of the study I felt I whole lot better. I needed to go up and call Cesar and give him the good news. It is already too late to go out tonight, but we can set it up for tomorrow night at least.


All I wanted is Josh back from Bernice. That is it, nothing more. Now I am an outcast from my friends that I have known since elementary school. There has to be a way to get back my friends. At the same time I need to finish Josh off once and for all. He is the one that needs to be an outcast, not me.

At first it looked liked it worked. It looked like Josh was going to be shunned by all of our classmates. The swim team went so far as telling the Coach that it is either them or Josh. Yeah he coach wasn’t going to be dictated to, but they stood up.

Also it looked like the rest of the school was going that way. Josh wasn’t seen around his friends for the first couple of days. I come to find out that was by his design, not theirs. Still there are others look like they are disgusted by the sight of him.

At least I did get one thing done through all this; I actually broke Chris and Josh apart. I don’t care what anyone says. It was because of me doing what I did to Josh that broke those two apart.

I loved seeing Josh after Chris stopped talking to him. He had the same broken heart look on his face that I had when he broke up with me. It felt like Christmas to me. It felt like I had angels over my shoulder then.

Josh looked like shit and he deserved it. Now I want him to lose everything. I mean his friends, his position in Glee Club, everything. And it was working until he left to join his father on the campaign trail.

Then I had to sit through the press conference of Josh being asked how he could live with himself. At first I had a big smile on my face when I saw Josh’s mom come breaking through and forcing the issue.

I thought ‘yeah this guy is going to have to either put up or shut up’. Then Josh did something I didn’t think he would. He actually sat there on that stage and defended his evil way of life. To top it all off, the press bought it. It even gave his father a bump in the polls. What is going on in this State? We are supposed to be the State of Texas. We have as many churches as there are bars in this State.

But oh no, the people in Texas are buying it all. Hook, line and sinker they are buying it all. Now it is up to me to make sure we get back to our values; our church going values that we are brought up to believe.

I decided to put my plan into action once in for all. First I need to get Josh’s brothers behind me. I know it won’t be hard at all to do that. They hate this whole thing as much as I do. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have spread the rumor around the school about Josh being gay.

The first thing I did on Friday is look for Daniel and Carlos. Just like before I found them hanging out on the football field. They saw me coming as I approached.

“What ever it is Elizabeth don’t even bother. What you did to our brother is unbelievable. You are very lucky we were brought up on not hitting a woman for any reason. So again what ever it is forget it!”

“Just give me a minute to talk to you guys. After you hear me out you will want to get into the action with me.”

They didn’t say anything. All they did is just stand there looking at me. So I figure that is their way of telling me that they are willing to hear me out. So I started telling them what I wanted to do.

Since most of the school already knew that Josh is gay, the hard part is over. Josh can’t even deny that anymore. Since he got on television telling the whole world that he is gay and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Here is my plan to go forward, you guys. Straight guys already don’t like gay guys because they think the gay guys are always trying to hit on them. Well we get Josh to one of your football parties after a game.

Once there you slip something into Josh’s drink to make him go to la, la land. Do the same with several of your football players. Once you see the pills taking effect. You guys take your buddies upstairs. All you have to tell them there is a girl up there to fuck. I will even come and be that girl in order to get them up into a room.

It doesn’t matter if your brother knocks out or not. No one will question you guys if they see you carrying him to a room. Heck he is your brother.

Once we have them in the room together, we strip them. I mean all of them naked. Of course we do it little by little taking pictures as if Josh is taking advantage of them passed out. In order to make it look real in the pictures. I will get a hold of this stuff if the person breathes it in, it make them awake, but not there.

So as we take pictures of Josh taking advantage of your football friends. He will be getting naked little by little as well. He will suck each of them off and then turn them around if possible and try to fuck them up the ass.

After we get all the pictures we can. We could do two either of two things. One we can dress your friends and leave them in the room. They wake up and have no idea on what happened to them. If Josh actually gets his dick up their butts, they will have a pain in their butt, nothing more than that.

We take the pictures and video and make several copies of them. Once we have enough copies we start spreading them around school. Once your friends see them, they and the others will seek Josh out and leave him for dead.

Plus the rest of the school will stay away from him. That includes his small circle of friends as well. Josh will be lucky no one presses charges on him. He will be an outcast once and for all.

Or the second thing we can do is keep Josh and you friends naked. With Josh giving your friends head or trying to fuck them! Douse Josh with some more of that stuff making him look like he is awake and enjoying what is doing.

I pretend to walk in on what he is doing and yell out. Everyone in the party comes rushing into the room and see what Josh is doing. They kick his ass and leave him for dead. It gets around school and he loses his friends and standing. Once again he is an outcast no matter which plan we use.

So that is my plan for starters. I need your help in order to get it going. So what do you think you guys? Will you help me? I know you hate having a gay brother as much as I hate that I had a gay boyfriend.”

I looked at Daniel and Carlos. I couldn’t read their faces at all. I thought I might be able to, but I just can’t read their faces. Finally Carlos spoke up.

“You know Elizabeth, you are one evil woman. Remind me not to ever get on your bad side. Now as far as your plan is concerned, it is a good one. I know I am speaking on behalf of my brother here, you……..”





{You know it is said it to watch out when a woman is scorned. Elizabeth takes it all to another level. She just can’t let it go, can she? She lost already everything, but doesn’t care about it. She loves watching Josh in pain. She feels great when Josh is hurting or getting hurt. Now she has cooked up this evil plan.

She wants to hurt Josh not only by rep but also physically as well. I wonder if Daniel and Carlos is gong to go along with it. If they do, how are they going to get away with it? Even if they get the football players where they need them, and they even get Josh to the party and drugged into that room, the first hand is laid on Josh the security detail will be in that room.

I really hope Josh’s brothers not only say ‘no’ but they tell their father what Elizabeth wants to do. Even if she hasn’t done it yet, she has to be breaking some kind of law. Who knows? It still boils down to Josh’s brothers doing the right thing.

What did Chris think he was doing running up to Josh? I am not going to keep beating a dead horse here, but Chris is getting what he deserves. I wanted these two to get together and go off into the sunset but Chris couldn’t be there when Josh needed him because he was afraid of what might happen to him. I say enough is enough and get rid of him.

Then there is Cesar. There can’t be anybody like him out there. Come on who would invite the ex of the person you want to go out with to join them as friends. Even if Chris doesn’t go back on his word, Cesar shouldn’t bring those two together even as friends.

I hope Bernice and Eric put a stop to this and bring Cesar out of la, la land. Chris even said it; those two are going to have to sign onto it. The rest will follow. If they don’t sign onto it, Chris wouldn’t even get within ten feet of Josh. (And you thought the Security Detail was protective. ED.)

Stop the presses everyone. I thought Frank and Patrick broke up. Not according to them two. Not only are they still together, but madly in love still. What is going on with these friends of Josh’s? Why can’t they just stand behind Josh and take what ever is thrown at them? These two can’t keep this from everyone indefinitely. Eventually it will come out and when it does I believe it will be worse than whatever would have happened if they just told Josh, Bernice and the others.

We didn’t hear much from Josh’s mother in this chapter. She isn’t gone, just licking her wounds right now. She is still there and ready to give all hell to Josh and her ex. I wonder what she has in store for them in the future.

There are so many new plots open and old runs still out there needing to be solved. I am thinking there is going to be more then just a working relationship between Barbara and Daniel Sr. I don’t want to jump the gun, but I think there is something there. Also I am glad to see the campaign manager stick around on the Governor’s staff.

I could stay here all day long, with all the open plots already in this story, but I won’t. I warn you though! Don’t skip a chapter, or you will be lost. There is a so much to answer in the chapters to come. Keep reading the future chapters, and enjoy! Please email me and let me know how I am doing at, Thanks!}


Well, in life one will run into vindictive and sick people here and there. They are a sad part of life. Elizabeth has big brass ones, it seems. She just can’t get it.

Wow, did Frank and Patrick have a good time or what ?  Those two know how it’s done! I agree with Jacob. These guys denying their relationship is cowardly and it WILL come out. When it does, there is going to be hell to pay for the “lies”.

I really like and respect Cesar. He’s got a solid ethical center and has the backbone to stand by his convictions.  Chris is exactly the opposite. I don’t know that the backbone wasn’t beaten out of him by his father. Never the less, Chris just won’t have the strength of character needed to be Josh’s partner. Being with Josh will mean constant pressure and close scrutiny all the time. I think Cesar has the brass to deal with it and protect Josh. Josh, in spite of his strengths, is going to need solid allies to have a life in the long run. Nobody in Josh’s situation could stand up through it all alone.

Once again, how do we find a “Daniel” in our real world political arenas ?  Ok, I won’t get going. I’ll spare you all.

Jacob told me that this chapter just flowed off his fingers. I love his other two stories, but this one has “greatness” dripping from it.  Now, there’s never going to be a lot of sex, but when it does happen, it will be so right and fitting. Jacob, keep it up…don’t falter on this one !

Be well and love well.

Until next time,
“Daddy” Rick

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