Praying For a Hail Mary
If you are coming into this page not reading all the chapters and do not want to get spoilers to the story, please leave the page. On this page you will run into spoilers and I do not want you not land up reading the story on your own because it has been ruined for you.
Welcome to the story discussion page if ‘Praying For a Hail Mary’. Even though this story started off slow on readership and still is nowhere near the readership of my other stories, I decided to keep the story going. It is a great story and more so for this time in our sports history, more so in the NFL with rumors that there are gay players about to come out in the sport.
Even though this story is pure fiction and isn’t based on any real person, it hits a lot of areas that we all know to be true. It also raises questions about the sport of football and if there will ever be a gay player in the sport. A sports that is painted as a sport for men. A man’s game and no girl or gay player can ever play in the game. However are we certain that there has never been a gay player in the sport yet?
So much is hidden from us from the players in the game, we don’t know what the truth is and what isn’t. Take a look at what has come out in currently in the news about our past players in the game. From being not mentally stable to being depressed and suicidal. Those that were looked at as heroes and the youth wanting to grow up and be are now coming out and telling the world their darkest secrets.
We will never know if there has been a gay player that has played the game of football, and there might be some playing it now and ready to come out, but one thing is certain, being gay isn’t what it is painted out to be. An abomination to mankind. It’s becoming more and more accepted. Proof of that as I’m writing this out France just legalized gay marriage.
Even though we don’t know the truth rather or not if there has been gay players in football, this story brings you into that world and all the twist and turns of it that a gay player might go through. The main character of the story wants a career in football and doesn’t want his secret of being gay to get out. He knows by his experience in the past if it does get out what he is in for.
A life of hatred and rules that no other player has had to follow. Living nightmare with the press and some of his fellow player, if not all of them. Let’s not forget about the players on the other teams. Plus the gay bashing fans out there that believe that football is one of the last things on this earth that has not been effected by what they believe is s disease. Then there is the staff of the team our main character is going to play with. He knows by going forward with his dream on becoming a player in the NFL, he is asking for a life of hell at no fault of his own.
Those that are reading the story already, thank you. Those that are not, please go on over and give it a chance. You will be surprised how interesting and exciting the story is. Even though it is in the football arena, a lot more happens in the story than just football. Please join the other readers that have already praised the story as one of the good ones and sit back for a great journey. It is going to be a roller coaster ride of action, drama and excitement.
Thanks for reading,
Praying is fantastic so far. I feel like I’m in the middle of it all. Anxiously awaiting Ch 7 to see what happens in the game. Love this story. Thanks for writing it and sharing it with those of us in cyberspace.
Story line is great. The only thing that I think you need to keep in mind is that some of the readers, myself included, wouldn’t know the first thing about the NFL, the rules, how to play etc as we are from other countries where the game is not played. However despite this I am finding the story very interesting and it keeps drawing me back for the next chapter.
Hey Jacob,
As I have always been a fan of yours from chapter one of story one, I continue to enjoy your writing. But, writing a story about football, well, there, you own me. Sadly, i believe, this story could only exist in fiction. When a star player like Adrian Peterson says he can’t see gay players or at all understand the gay life, it hurts the cause. Even with a rising start like Andrew Luck saying how he would have no problem seeing a gay teammate happy with his life, homophobia is still alive and well in the NFL. I almost wish this story became mandatory reading at all training camps.
I really enjoy the story so far. Jason seems like a really wonderful guy trying to do the best he can given some very difficult circumstances. He’s trying to be himself while he struggles to find out who he is.
I understand most of the NFL lingo, though others may not.
I’d love to see something really go right for Jason. We know he has a boyfriend, but no details yet. Do Jason a favor and make him a real sweet guy. Someone Jason can lean on for support.
My favorite stories are those where the central couple is strong and the drama isn’t inside the relationship. Instead it’s between the couple and the world. Just my 2 cents.
I hate to be a complete ass but you need to Google David Kopay if you have never heard of him. He was one of the first professional sports people to come out (not while he was playing) in the mid seventies. I think there have been a total of four former NFL players who have come out after they stopped playing. So the answer to your question is that yes there have been gay players in the NFL. Please continue this story thou, I am really enjoying it.